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An opinionated configuration for a *nix machines. The goal of this is like any dotfiles repo, provide a version controlled repo to manage everything I use on a daily basis. This helps me track bugs, features, learned lessons, etc all while providing a simpler way to setup new machines with what I need. The setup could be improved in a multitude of ways especially when it comes to organization, speed, extensibility, and ease of use as well as a plethora of other things but for now it works and I will continue to chip away at it when I got time.

I am hoping this repo can be useful as a basis for others to manage dotfiles. If I did something egregious, let me know and I don't mind addressing it.



./ -e [work|personal]

For a detailed help message

./ -h

Pre Installation

WSL 2 (Possibly Outdated)

  • Download/Install Ubuntu, VcXsrv, and your favorite font type
  • Fix VcXsrv firewall settings to be allowed over public networks
  • Make changes to settings*.json if needed (fonts, image background. etc...)

Post Installation


  • Based on your terminal, you may need to set the font accordingly inside the terminal options.
  • Launch Docker Desktop if running on Windows or Macs


  • install nerd fonts with M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts
  • init vterm M-x vterm

Top Level Directory Structure

|-- bootstrap_extensions
|-- emacs
|-- fonts
|-- package_managers
|-- wsl
`-- zsh
  • Script to run to setup the machine. Use -h for more information on the arguments possible to pass to it. Contains extensive
  • Script that orchestrates the installation and symlinking of all packages and files respectively.
  • Script containing reusable functions to facilitate prompt creation and user input.
  • Misleading script since it does not really do a good job at cleaning up everything installed from but it does whats been helpful for testing.
  • bootstrap_extensions: Directory that contains scripts, each with a purpose of being as self contained as possible. Adding another language configuration is as simple as adding the script with the setup steps needed in it.
  • emacs: My glorious Emacs config. Marvel at how much I waste my life on it... Its a part-time job
  • fonts: fonts I use so I no longer need to fetch them... Ran into too many issues trying to install them via multiple package managers.
  • package_managers: Package managers package installation lists. This contains the basis for extensions although extensions should ideally run this themselves to be truly self contained.
  • wsl: I use WSL 2 on my windows machines and this provides some common configuration I use to get things working. These files are used by ./bootstrap_extensions/
  • zsh: Files for base ZSH shell setup with p10k. This majority of files in this folder are symlinked to the $HOME folder. OMZ plugin installation is provided by ./bootstrap_extensions/


  • investigate embark, vertico, avy
  • basedpyright lsp server
  • look into using casual suite of tools
  • replacing web-mode functionality (web-mode-element-next, previous, element-wrap)
  • better treesit support for angular
  • corg.el
  • Investigate dockerizing setup to reduce need for OS based setups