Simple drum machine created with CRA
This project is part of the freeCodeCamp Front End Development Libraries certification.
My goal is to provide an example project for FCC students who might feel they would prefer to build the project using an actual IDE like vscode and rather deploy the web application themselves instead of coding within the Codepen editor.
I also think the official example is slightly outdated as it still mainly uses class components and also uses document event listeners as opposed to react synthetic events.
As the aim of the project is to use a frontend-library I have not used any native eventListeners as per react documentation recommended.
I will keep adding links and information that have helped me not just building the project but also understanding how react works, how to setup my IDE via WSL 2, how to deploy my apps and much more.
I probably could have finished the project much faster in codepen but I felt I want to build the project in a real life setting and thus had to learn a whole lot of other stuff. After roughly a year of delving into various libraries, reading through countless documentations and following dozens of tutorials I began to understand the bigger picture and felt I was ready to finish the certification.
I have made this app a PWA - Progressive Web App. I reckon if you are serious about becoming a developer you should definitely check it out and while at it a apply it in one of your projects.
In the end the certification is only worth the effort you put into it.
Make this project count and squeeze as much knowledge out of it as possible.
It may appear simple but there are a whole lot of things you can try out and learn.
This is an ongoing project and I will keep updating it in the near future.
For now it has merely passed the FCC project test suite. I have left out a state managment tool like react-redux or mobx but will add it later.
Feel free to browse through the project.
In the future I will provide an example project for each of the five projects required for the front end development certification using slightly different approaches and additional utilities.
to be continued...