Rodan & Fields, LLC, known as Rodan + Fields or R+F, is an American manufacturer and multi-level marketing company specializing in skincare products. Katie Rodan and Kathy A. Fields, creators of Proactiv, started the Rodan + Fields brand in 2002 and sold it a year later. They relaunched the brand in 2007 as a multi-level marketing firm.
This is a team project, built by us in the Construct Week - Unit 2 at Masai School.
- Here is the link of our website live on netlify:
Home Page
: Nav Bar with drop downs, sliding banners & slider for Products.Sign-In
: User authentication to check whether user email and password match with details existing in the database.Search
: User can search for any of the products present in the website.Product Category Page and Regimen page
: Skin products created dynamically with filter by category, name and price.Cart
: User can see or remove products added in the cart.Checkout Page
: Users can increase, decrease the quantity of the product and can apply discount coupon.Payment Page
: Users can add their payment details, address and can create their account.Order Successful
: cart gets empty automatically in local storage, once the user lands on this page.Additional Features
: Kept the branding, fonts, colors and favicon and titles consistent throughtout the whole site to give a feel like the original site.
- Javascript - (DOM Manipulation, Local Storage)
Home Page
Search Page
Cart Bag
All Products Page
Regimens Page
Checkout Page
Payment Page
GitHub is Managed & done by Akshit.
The Landing Page, navbar, footer is designed & functioned by Akshit.
The Searchbar, sign in dropdown and cart sidebar is designed and functioned by Akshit.
All products page and filter data is designed & functioned by Ayush.
Regimens page, order confirmed page and all products array is designed & functioned by Bhushan.
Checkout page is designed & functioned by Prabhat.
Payment Page is designed & functioned by Jagrati.
We all became proficient in reading the code of team members.
Our code writing style became cleaner as we had to think while writing code that other team members will be reading.
We had to learn about many CSS properties that we didn't know before.
Our skills in JavaScript and DOM manipulation became better.
We all learned how to plan a project and execute that.