Example setup for django plotly dash with django cookiecutter
- https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- https://django-plotly-dash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- Create empty folder dpd_cookiecutter_example
- Create venv
- pip install cookiecutter
- cookiecutter gh:pydanny/cookiecutter-django
- cookiecutter defaults except
- use_docker: y
- cloud_provider: None
- use_mailhog: y
- use_whitenoise: y
- cd dpd_cc_example
Add dpd packages to requirements (problems with dash 2.0 and django plotly dash)
- dash==1.21
- django-plotly-dash==1.6.5
- dpd-static-support (for bootstrap)
- django-bootstrap4 (for bootstrap)
Update base settings for dpd:
INSTALLED_APPS 'django_plotly_dash.apps.DjangoPlotlyDashConfig', 'dpd_components', 'dpd_static_support', 'bootstrap4',
MIDDLEWARE 'django_plotly_dash.middleware.BaseMiddleware', 'django_plotly_dash.middleware.ExternalRedirectionMiddleware',
STATICFILES_FINDERS "django_plotly_dash.finders.DashAssetFinder", "django_plotly_dash.finders.DashComponentFinder", "django_plotly_dash.finders.DashAppDirectoryFinder",
PLOTLY_COMPONENTS=[ 'dash_core_components', 'dash_html_components', 'dash_renderer', 'dpd_components' ]
At this stage, if developing locally the database should be created, environment variables set and local requirements should be pip installed. However docker compose is being used here these are not necessary.
python -m pip install -r requirements/local.txt
createdb dpd_example -U postgres --password <your_password>
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:<enter_your_psql_password>@
- Build and run the docker here to check everything is running as intended.
- docker-compose -f local.yml build
- docker-compose -f local.yml up
- For other docker implementation details see https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing-locally-docker.html
- Avoid this common error https://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/troubleshooting.html#docker-postgres-authentication-failed
- While the container is running. Run these django management commands:
- docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py makemigrations
- docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py migrate
- docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser
- For pycharm debugging see:
- python manage.py startapp
- Move move directory to <project_slug> directory
- edit <project_slug>//apps.py
- change name = "" to name = "<project_slug>."
- add "<project_slug>..apps." to LOCAL APPS in config/settings/base.py
- optionally add verbose_name
- optionally modify ready method https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/applications/
- Create models views forms templates etc. In this repo:
- Create a Post model
- Create a List view and detail view (CBV) for the post model
- Register Post model in admin.py
- Create a template for the post view.
- Add urls.py
- app_name to match
- urlpatterns path("blog/<slug:slug>/", BlogDetailView.as_view(), name="blog-detail")
- Include app urls in config/urls.py
- path("", include("dpd_cc_example.example.urls", namespace="example")),
- Now we have edited the app. Run the container to test.
- docker-compose -f local.yml build
- docker-compose -f local.yml up
- docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py makemigrations
- docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py migrate
- Create a new post in the admin page. Or use the shell to create a new post.
- docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python manage.py shell
- View post in
Ensure the django plotly dash setup has been complete.
Add django plotly dash to config/urls.py. Required for all dpd apps.
- path('django_plotly_dash/', include('django_plotly_dash.urls'))
Create the new django app with startapp. Follow steps 1-4 in example app section.
Create the pure plotly-dash app somewhere within your folder.
Replace the normal dash app registration with the DjangoDash class.
Create the template containing the dash app (https://django-plotly-dash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/template_tags.html):
{%load plotly_dash%} {%plotly_app name="SimpleExample"%}
or using plotly_class to apply class names to plotly app template. Use plotly_direct to remove app from within iframe:
<div class="{% plotly_class name='<DjangoDash-app-name>' %} card" style="..."> {% plotly_direct name='<DjangoDash-app-name>' %} </div>
Create view to render the template.
Add urlpattern to app urls.py
- path('', , name=''),
- here we also import the dash-app.py itself. (This can alternatively be done in views.py)
Include the urls in config/urls.py.
- path('/', include('.urls')),
Optionally add a nav link to base template.