Use case: small Bicycle Company (Handlebars Express) using Peppermint sales dashboard to represent their company sales data
Run Application: Launch Peppermint
Team Members: Alton Salmon, Kevin Luu, Vicki Hope
- Company Dashboard View
- Top Stores by Sales
- Top Items by Sales
- Top Items by Quantity
- Sales Distribution by Store
- Company Sales Goals
- Yearly Sales Performance by Month
- Sales Projection (next 6 months)
Technologies Used
- JavaScript
- MERN stack
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node
- ApexCharts
- Axios
- bcrypt
- GraphQL
- Material-UI
- Moment
- Passport-jwt
- Redux
Problems to Solve
- Display complex company sales data for analysis
- Secure user data and endpoints
- Securely and reliably store data, with scalability in mind
- Provide up-to-date company sales statistics
- Deploy full-stack project for others to use
- Use ApexCharts to visualize sales data
- Implement passport-jwt for user/endpoint authentication
- Use MongoDB for data storage
- Use of GraphQL queries to retrieve data
- Deploy project using Heroku
Setup to run application on your system
Node.js, MongoDB, and Mongoose must be installed on your system
You will store YOUR MONGODB_URI in your local .env file
You must know your JWT secret and store it in your local .env file
MONGODB_URI=mongodb secret=yoursecretkeyhere
Clone the Peppermint repo into a dirctory on your system
From command line, while in that directory key:
npm install
From that same directory, populate the database
node seedDB.js
To start server, key:
npm run start:dev
In browser, navigate to "http://localhost:3001", you should see the Peppermint Home Login Screen
Click sign up button to create a user profile
Log in with username and password
If login is authenticated, you should see the Dashboard - Company View
Resource Contributors
- Home page image: Red Bicycle
Future Enhancement Ideas
- Add two-factor authentication to improve security
- Support for custom views (Store, Item, etc.)
- Support for custom widgets/charts
- Support for real-time notifications