The most general form is the class Backtracker<Choice, PartialSolution>
. The Choice template is a class (or type) indicating
the choice made at a particular step, and PartialSolution is a class representing a set of choices taken so far. For instance, if
implementing the standard N-Queens example, where we choose a column to put the queen in for each row, we would probably choose
Choice = int
, and PartialSolution = vector<int>
. To implement a Backtracking search, write a class that derives from
`Backtracker<Choice,PartialSolution> and implement (if necessary) the following (virtual) member functions:
virtual bool isFullSolution() const {return true;}
virtual bool shouldExplore() const {return true;}
virtual std::vector<Choice> choices() const=0;
virtual void registerSolution()=0;
virtual void applyChoice(const Choice &c)=0;
virtual void unapplyChoice(const Choice &c)=0;
To implement these, you will probably want to call currentPartialSolution()
which returns the current partial solution.
should return true if the current partial solution is actually a full solution to the problem.
should return true if the most recent choice made should be explored. If doing something like branch and bound, you might also return false if the current partial solution has no chance of being extended to a better full solution than the best one found so far.
should return a vector containing the possible choices that can be made from the current partial solution. Note that there is some redundancy with choices()
and shouldExplore()
- a choice may be pruned in either step. You may use this flexibility to make your code more readable.
will be called whenever a full solution is found. Note that the default implementation is to always return true, in which case every partial solution will be registered.
applyChoice(const Choice &c)
and unapplyChoice(const Choice &c)
should apply (or unapply) the given choice to the current partial solution.
The most common way of representing a partial solution is with a vector of the choices made so far. This specialization is just
Backtracker<Choice, vector<Choice>>
where applyChoice(const Choice &c)
and unapplyChoice(const Choice &c)
have been written for
virtual void applyChoice(const Choice &c) override final
virtual void unapplyChoice(const Choice &c) override final
Thus, there are two new member functions you may override if necessary:
virtual void choiceUpdate(const Choice &c){}
virtual void choiceUnupdate(const Choice &c){}