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Collection of Python scripts for parsing/analyses of RAD-seq data

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RAD-seq script library

Collection of Python scripts for parsing/analysis of reduced representation sequencing data (e.g. RAD-seq, nextRAD). While many of the scripts are functional, some still need considerable cleaning up and more thorough testing - and this repository therefore very much represents a work in progress.

These scripts all require Python 3, with some requiring additional packages (BioPython and NumPy - both of which can be easily installed using the Miniconda or Anaconda installers, or PyVCF - which can be installed using e.g. pip install PyVCF). Usage information for each script can be obtained using the -h or --help flag (e.g. python3 -h, or is also listed in this README.

This documentation is dynamically generated using the listed script, extracting purpose, usage and links to example files from the argparse information of each script.

Recently added - script to remap VCF from de novo RAD assembly back to a reference genome - search PyRAD output file for diagnostic CAPS loci that can distinguish two groups (or one group and all other samples) - script to facilitate identification of clones in dataset

vcf - Remaps variants in VCF format to new CHROM and POS as obtained through the scripts. Positions are rough estimates because: (1) new position is simply an offset of the mapping position + 0-based position in locus (and e.g. do not take into account reference insertions), (2) one standard contig length is used to determine pos in reverse mapping reads (flag 16). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file mapping_file locus_length

positional arguments:
  vcf_file      vcf input file
  mapping_file  file with mapping results
  locus_length  length of query loci

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Outputs list of missing data (# and % of SNPs) for each sample in VCF, to identify poor-performing samples to eliminate prior to SNP filtering. Takes vcf_filename as argument. Outputs to STDOUT (no output file). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Renames CHROMS in .vcf file according to list with old/new names, and only outputs those loci that are listed. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file locusnames_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file         input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  locusnames_file  text file (tsv or csv) with old and new name for each locus

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, locusnames_file.txt. - Script compares the allelic similarity of individuals in a VCF, and outputs all pairwise comparisons. This can be used to detect potential clones based on percentage match. Note: highest matches can be assessed in the output file by using $ sort -rn --key=5 output_file.txt | head -n 50 in the terminal. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Translates sequential marker numbers back to CHROM/POS from original .vcf file. Several programs only allow for integers to identify markers, this script is to restore the original CHROM/POS for markers that were identified. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file markernumbers_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file            input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  markernumbers_file  text file with SNP numbers that were identified

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, markernumbers_file.txt. - Wrapper for PGDspider on Mac OS to convert .vcf files to various formats. Note : set PGDSPIDER_PATH constant before use, and make script executable in terminal with $ chmod +x

usage: [-h] vcf_filename pop_filename output_filename

positional arguments:
  vcf_filename     original vcf file
  pop_filename     pop filename (.txt)
  output_filename  output filename (extension used to determine file format
                   (.genepop, .bayescan, .structure or .arlequin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit - Attempts to identify groups of clones in a dataset. The script (1) conducts pairwise comparisons (allelic similarity) for all individuals in a .vcf file, (2) produces a histogram of genetic similarities, (3) lists the highest matches to assess for a potential clonal threshold, (4) clusters the groups of clones based on a particular threshold (supplied or roughly inferred), and (5) lists the clonal individuals that can be removed from the dataset (so that one individual with the least amount of missing data remains). If optional popfile is given, then clonal groups are sorted by population. Note: Firstly, the script is run with a .vcf file and an optional popfile to produce an output file (e.g. python3 --vcf vcf_file.vcf --pop pop_file.txt --output compare_file.csv). Secondly, it can be rerun using the precalculated similarities under different thresholds (e.g. python3 --input compare_file.csv --threshold 94.5) [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-v vcf_file] [-p pop_file] [-i compare_file]
                       [-o compare_file] [-t threshold]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v vcf_file, --vcf vcf_file
                        input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  -p pop_file, --pop pop_file
                        text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and
                        populations (to accompany `.vcf` file)
  -i compare_file, --input compare_file
                        input file (csv) with previously calculated pairwise
                        comparisons (using the `--outputfile` option)
  -o compare_file, --output compare_file
                        output file (csv) for all pairwise comparisons (can
                        later be used as input with `--inputfile`)
  -t threshold, --threshold threshold
                        manual similarity threshold (e.g. `94.5` means at
                        least 94.5 percent allelic similarity for individuals
                        to be considered clones) - Filters .vcf file for SNPs that are genotyped for a minimum number of individuals in each of the populations (rather than overall proportion of individuals). This can help to guarantee a minimum number of individuals to calculate population-based statistics, and eliminate loci that might be suffering from locus drop-out in particular populations. Note: only individuals that are listed in popfile are taken into account to determine number of individuals genotyped (but all indivs are outputted). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]
                            vcf_file pop_file min_proportion

positional arguments:
  vcf_file         input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file         text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations
  min_proportion   proportion of individuals required to be genotyped in each
                   population for a SNP to be included (e.g `0.8` for 80
                   percent of individuals)
  output_filename  name of output file (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt. - Filters .vcf file for SNPs that are genotyped for a minimum proportion of individuals in each of the populations (rather than overall proportion of individuals). This can help to guarantee a minimum number of individuals to calculate population-based statistics, and eliminate loci that might be suffering from locus drop-out in particular populations. Note: only individuals that are listed in popfile are taken into account to determine proportion of individuals genotyped (but all indivs are outputted). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]
                        vcf_file pop_file min_proportion output_filename

positional arguments:
  vcf_file         input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file         text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations
  min_proportion   proportion of individuals required to be genotyped in each
                   population for a SNP to be included (e.g `0.8` for 80
                   percent of individuals)
  output_filename  name of output file (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt. - Excludes those loci (/CHROMs) in .vcf that are listed in exclusion list. Also outputs a logfile with loci that were listed but not present in .vcf. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file exclusion_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file        input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  exclusion_file  text file loci to be excluded

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, exclusion_file.txt. - Remap VCF to genome. * Currently only works with single-line FASTA files (but easy to change) * Works best when using the optional alignment output in sam2tsv [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-v vcf_file] [-f fasta_file] [-t samtsv_file]
                       [-o output_vcf_file] [-pid pid_threshold]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v vcf_file, --vcf vcf_file
                        original vcf file, where the CHROM correspond to the
                        sequence name in the supplied fasta (perfect match),
                        and the POS the position within that sequence (also
                        counting gaps if present).
  -f fasta_file, --fasta fasta_file
                        fasta file representing a single sequence for each
                        locus/CHROM in the original vcf (including gaps if
                        present in the original aligment that the fasta is
                        based on). Note that these gaps need to be removed
                        before mapping these sequences back to the genome with
                        bwa mem, but need to be present in this file.
  -t samtsv_file, --t samtsv_file
                        The sam file converted to tsv. The sam file represents
                        the mapping outcome of the supplied fasta (but then
                        without gaps) to the genome with bwa mem, e.g.
                        through: bwa mem ref_genome fasta_file_no_gaps.fa >
                        samfile.sam. This samfile then needs to be converted
                        to a tsv, using sam2tsv from the jVarKit toolkit
  -o output_vcf_file, --output_vcf output_vcf_file
                        remapped vcf file with genome scaffold/chroms and
                        positions within those scaffold/chroms.
  -pid pid_threshold, --pid pid_threshold
                        optional pid alignment threshold, to exclude loci
                        aligning to the genome with a percent id (PID) score
                        below the indicated value. - Generates artificial crosses between individuals from two indicated (in a popfile) parentalgroups, and appends crossed individuals to .vcf file. Note: individual SNPs on a single CHROM are independently crossed as if they are not physically linked - therefore only use when subsampling a single SNP / CHROM. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [--n_crosses n_crosses]
                                   [--prefix prefix] [--parentalnames]
                                   vcf_file pop_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file              input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file              text file (tsv or csv) with the names of the
                        individuals used for the simulated crosses, and in the
                        second column which parental population they belong to
                        (any name can be chosen - as long as there are exactly
                        two distinct values)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --n_crosses n_crosses, -n n_crosses
                        number of crosses to simulate (should be no higher
                        than the number of individuals in each of the two
                        parental populations)
  --prefix prefix       prefix for crosses (used only if --parentalnames is
                        not set)
  --parentalnames       set flag to use names of both parents for cross

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt. - Converts .vcf file to Tag Haplotype Matrix (with Chrom), with order of individuals as indicated in optional file. Note: not yet properly tested. SNPs of same CHROM (first column) in .vcf should be grouped together/sequentially, and all individuals need to be listed in order_file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-o order_file] vcf_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file              input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o order_file, --order_file order_file
                        text file with preferred output order of individuals

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Outputs genotype frequencies for specific SNPs in each population, organised by group. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file factor_file SNP_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file     input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  factor_file  text file (tsv or csv) with individuals, their population
               assignment and group assignment
  SNP_file     text file (tsv or csv) with CHROM/POS of each SNP to be

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, factor_file.txt. - Cleans up popfile by eliminating any individuals that are not in .vcf file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file pop_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file    text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt. - Converts .vcf file to INTROGRESS input files (4 files). Splits data into three categories: parental1, parental2 and admixed based on cluster assignment (provided in separate file; e.g. STRUCTURE output) and given threshold, and outputs data for loc that exceed a certain frequency difference between the two 'parental' categories. Note: not yet properly tested. also see similar script. I use the formatted CLUMPP output (clumpp_K2.out.csv) from the structure_mp wrapper as assignment file (max. of 2 clusters). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [--include]
                     vcf_file assignment_file assign_cut_off freq_cut_off

positional arguments:
  vcf_file         input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  assignment_file  text file (tsv or csv) with assignment values for each
                   individual (max. 2 clusters); e.g. a reformatted STRUCTURE
                   output file
  assign_cut_off   min. assignment value for an individual to be included in
                   the allele frequency calculation (i.e. putative purebred)
  freq_cut_off     min. allele frequency difference between the 2 clusters for
                   a locus to be included in the output
  output_prefix    prefix for output files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --include, -i    set this flag if parental pops need to be included in

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, assignment_file.csv. - Counts SNP occurrence frequency for each POS in .vcf file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Lists all loci (using CHROM column) in .vcf that are genotyped for at least one of the indicated samples/individuals. This can be used to reduce the dataset to loci matching an included reference (e.g. aposymbiotic) samples. Note: vcf can subsequently be filtered by using the output as inclusion_file for [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]
                         [reference_samples [reference_samples ...]]

positional arguments:
  vcf_file           input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  reference_samples  sample(s) against which the remainder of the dataset will
                     be compared

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit - Contrast all samples in .vcf file against certain reference sample(s) (e.g. outgroup samples), to assess for fixed / private alleles. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]
                           [reference_samples [reference_samples ...]]

positional arguments:
  vcf_file           input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  reference_samples  sample(s) against which the remainder of the dataset will
                     be compared

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit - Calculates Genetic Distance (Hamming / p-distance) for each pair of individuals in a .vcf file and outputs as matrix. Popfile is supplied to indicate order in matrix. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file pop_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file    text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt. - Reduces .vcf file to a single 'random' SNP per locus/chrom. Use for analyses that require SNPs that are not physically linked. (although note that they of course still may be - particularly so when dealing with short loci) [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-d distance_threshold] vcf_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file              input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d distance_threshold, --distance distance_threshold
                        optional custom distance threshold between SNPs
                        (default is 2500; not relevant for short de-novo loci
                        not mapped to reference scaffolds)

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Filter original SNP dataset (.vcf) for a particular Fst percentile bin. Note: order in Fst file needs to correspond with (.vcf) file, currently set (see script CONSTANTS) to work with LOSITAN output file, and output filename automatically generated from percentile bins. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file fst_file min_percentile max_percentile

positional arguments:
  vcf_file        input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  fst_file        text file (tsv or csv) with Fst values for each SNP (same
                  order as in vcf) - currently set to work with LOSITAN output
  min_percentile  min. Fst value for a SNP to be included
  max_percentile  max. Fst value for a SNP to be included

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, fst_file.txt. - Adds ordering indexes to a file with CHROM and POS columns, based on RaGOO mapping to a chromosome-level assembly. These ordering indexes (chromosome, scaffold and SNP order) can be used for Manhattan-style plots, without having to remap coordinates of the vcf. CHROM and POS columns should be the first and second column in the input file. In the output, three extra columns are inserted (after the CHROM and POS columns) that correspond to the chromosome ID, scaffold order on that chromosome, and position order within the scaffold (based on the RaGOO mapping orientation). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] filename ragoo_orderings_path

positional arguments:
  filename              input file
  ragoo_orderings_path  path with ragoo orderings files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit - Creates tab-separated popfile from .vcf, using a subset of the sample name as population. For example, to use the substring MGD from AFMGD6804H as population designation, run script as python3 popfile_from_vcf vcf_file 3 5. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file start_pos end_pos

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  start_pos   character start position in sample name to be used for
              population name (one-based)
  end_pos     character end position in sample name to be used for population
              name (one-based)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Removes SNPs from .vcf that are above a certain POS value. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file highest_pos

positional arguments:
  vcf_file     input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  highest_pos  max. POS value allowed in `.vcf`

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Creates a genotype matrix for loci that have a large allele frequency difference between two genetic clusters (as identified with e.g. STRUCTURE). The script takes both a .vcf file and a text file with the assignment probabilities as input. An assignment threshold (e.g. 0.98) needs to be supplied to identify the reference individuals in the two clusters, and an allele frequency cut-off needs to be supplied to identify divergent loci. An optional file can be supplied with a list of loci that need to be included regardless (e.g. previously identified outliers). Note: I use the formatted CLUMPP output (clumpp_K2.out.csv) from the structure_mp wrapper as assignment file (max. of 2 clusters). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [--include inclusion_file]
                          vcf_file assignment_file assign_cut_off

positional arguments:
  vcf_file              input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  assignment_file       text file (tsv or csv) with assignment values for each
                        individual (max. 2 clusters); e.g. a reformatted
                        STRUCTURE output file
  assign_cut_off        min. assignment value for an individual to be included
                        in the allele frequency calculation (i.e. putative
  freq_cut_off          min. allele frequency difference between the 2
                        clusters for a locus to be included in the output

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --include inclusion_file, -i inclusion_file
                        text file with loci to be included in output
                        regardless of allele frequency differences

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, assignment_file.csv. - Retains only those loci (/CHROMs) in .vcf that are given in file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file inclusion_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file        input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  inclusion_file  text file with loci to be retained

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, inclusion_file.txt. - Calculate allele frequency differentials between groups, and flag those loci that have AFDs exceeding threshold between all subgroups of those groups. Note: so far only used with 3 groups - yet to be tested for more. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file group_file afd_threshold

positional arguments:
  vcf_file       input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  group_file     text file (tsv or csv) separating individuals (first column)
                 into groups (second column)
  afd_threshold  allele frequency differential threshold

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf. - Converts .vcf file to TESS input files (genotypes and coordinates). Requires a popfile and a file with coordinates for each population (decimal ]degrees), a then simulates individual coordinates by adding a certain amount of noise. Note: outputs individuals in the same order as popfile. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [--noise noise]
               vcf_file pop_file coord_file output_prefix

positional arguments:
  vcf_file              input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file              text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and
  coord_file            text file (tsv or csv) with populations and their lats
                        and longs (in decimal degrees)
  output_prefix         name prefix for output files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --noise noise, -n noise
                        max. amount of noise to be added (default = 1e-10)

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt. - Renames sample in .vcf file according to list with old/new names; also outputs samples that are not listed in name_change file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file samplenames_file

positional arguments:
  vcf_file          input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  samplenames_file  text file (tsv or csv) with old and new name for each
                    sample (not all samples have to be listed)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, samplenames_file.txt.

pyrad - Creates one large FASTA from all PyRAD clustS files in directory. Only outputs clusters that exceed size threshold (min. number of sequences in cluster). First sequence of each cluster is outputted (together with size of overall cluster - note: not of that specific sequence). Prints the outputted and total number of clusters to STDOUT. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] path cluster_threshold output_file

positional arguments:
  path               path that contains PyRAD `.clustS` files
  cluster_threshold  minimum size of cluster to be included
  output_file        name of output FASTA file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit - Search PyRAD output file for diagnostic CAPS loci that can distinguish two groups (or one group and all other samples). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-i pyrad_file] [-g group_file]
                              [-r re_site_file] [-g1 group1] [-g2 group2]
                              [-m min_samples] [-o output_folder]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i pyrad_file, --input pyrad_file
                        input pyrad .loci or .alleles file
  -g group_file, --groups group_file
                        text file (tsv or csv) separating individuals (first
                        column) into groups (second column)
  -r re_site_file, --re re_site_file
                        text file (tsv or csv) listing restriction site names
                        (first column) and their recognition sequences (second
  -g1 group1, --group1 group1
                        first group that is targeted in marker search
  -g2 group2, --group2 group2
                        second group (optional) that is targeted in marker
                        search (if none given, group1 is contrasted against
                        all other samples in group_file
  -m min_samples, --min_samples min_samples
                        minimum number of genotyped samples in each group for
                        a marker to be considered
  -o output_folder, --output output_folder
                        name of output folder for individual seqs of each
                        diagnostic locus - Calculates the mean/min/max of shared loci for each sample [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] loci_file

positional arguments:
  loci_file   (i)pyrad .loci file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): loci_file.txt. - Create FASTA file with a representative sequence (using first sample) or all sequences (when --all_seqs flag is set) for each locus in pyRAD/ipyrad .loci or .allele file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-a] pyrad_file

positional arguments:
  pyrad_file      PyRAD allele file (`.loci` or `.allele`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -a, --all_seqs  set flag to output all sequences

Example input file(s): pyrad_file.loci. - Concatenates PyRAD/ipyrad sequences from .loci file for each individual and outputs as FASTA (order by popfile). Note: missing data are filled with gaps (N) [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] pyrad_file pop_file

positional arguments:
  pyrad_file  PyRAD file (`.loci`)
  pop_file    text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): pyrad_file.loci, pop_file.txt. - Filters PyRAD output file (.loci) for those loci (1) present or absent (using --exclude flag) in supplied list, (2) genotyped for at least X number of samples, and (3) with at least Y number of informative sites. Note: can also be used for .alleles file but then 2x the number of samples should be given (assuming diploid individual). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-e]
                   pyrad_file loci_file sample_threshold snp_threshold

positional arguments:
  pyrad_file        PyRAD file (`.loci`)
  loci_file         text file with PyRAD loci to be included
  sample_threshold  min. number of samples genotyped for a locus to be
  snp_threshold     min. number of SNPs for a locus to be included

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -e, --exclude     use the loci in loci_file as exclusion list

Example input file(s): pyrad_file.loci, loci_file.txt. - Reduces (i)pyrad file to only those samples listed in supplied text file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] loci_file inclusion_file min_samples

positional arguments:
  loci_file       samples input file
  inclusion_file  text file with names of samples to be included
  min_samples     minimum number of samples for locus to be included

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): loci_file.txt, inclusion_file.txt. - Trims sequence length in PyRAD/ipyrad .alleles or .loci file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] pyrad_file seq_length

positional arguments:
  pyrad_file  PyRAD allele file (`.loci` or `.allele`)
  seq_length  length to which sequences are trimmed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): pyrad_file.loci. - Converts PyRAD .allele file to migrate-n input file (population designated indicated in supplied popfile). Note: only appropriate for PyRAD .allele file (not .loci). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] allele_file pop_file

positional arguments:
  allele_file  PyRAD allele file (.allele)
  pop_file     text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): pop_file.txt.

fastq - Renames barcoded .fastq.gz files in a folder to sample/individual names. Takes relative or absolute path as first argument (e.g. 'samples'; without trailing slash) and a text file as second argument. The latter should be a tab- separated text file, with the barcode in the first column, and the new sample/individual name in the second column. The script conducts a trial run first, listing the files to be renamed, and then asks for confirmation before doing the actual renaming. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] path barcode_file

positional arguments:
  path          path (for current directory use `.`)
  barcode_file  text file (tsv or csv) with barcodes and sample names

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit - Outputs number of reads for each fastq.gz sample to text file, and prints mean/min/max to STDOUT. Note: Does not work with all FASTQ formats, and correct depending on OS zcat or gzcat needs to be set in COMPRESS_UTIL constant. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] path output_filename

positional arguments:
  path             path (for current directory use `.`)
  output_filename  name of text output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit - Clusters reads of paired-end RAD-seq data for downstream contig assembly. It maps R1 reads to a reference, and then outputs those reads and the corresponding R2 reads to a separate 'shuffled' FASTQ file per locus. Note: when using an existing output folder, reads are being appended to existing files (use this to append data from multiple samples). BWA needs to be installed and accessible through PATH environmental variable. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]
                             r1_fastq_file r2_fastq_file ref_fasta_file
                             threads output_folder

positional arguments:
  r1_fastq_file   file in FASTQ format with R1 reads
  r2_fastq_file   file in FASTQ format with R2 reads
  ref_fasta_file  file in FASTA format with reference contigs
  threads         number of threads to be used by BWA
  output_folder   name of output folder

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

mapping - Extracts a list of succesfully mapped loci from .sam file (produced with bwa mem). Successfully mapped loci are identified by default identified as those with flags 0 and 16 (can be adjusted in MATCH_FLAGS constant), and a mapping quality of >=20. Configured for use with single-end reads. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] sam_file

positional arguments:
  sam_file    `bwa mem` output file (`.sam`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): sam_file.sam. - Extracts a list of loci that have a blastn e-value below a certain threshold, and outputs the (first) matching reference locus, as well as the alignment length, nident, e-value and bitscore. It also compiles a set of all tax_ids, which it uses to connect with the NCBI taxonomy database to get phylum ids for each match using Entrez. Results are outputted to file with the chosen e-value as post-fix, and STDOUT gives minimum alignment stats for filtered loci. Note: fields in input file should be (in this order): query id, subject id, alignment length, identity, perc. identity, evalue, bitscore, staxids, stitle. This can be achieved by using blastn with the following argument: -outfmt 7 qseqid sseqid length nident pident evalue bitscore staxids stitle. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] blastn_file evalue_cut_off email

positional arguments:
  blastn_file     blastn output file with the following fields (in that
                  order): query id, subject id, alignment length, identity,
                  perc. identity, evalue, bitscore
  evalue_cut_off  maximum e-value for match to be included
  email           email address to be used for NCBI connection

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): blastn_file.txt. - Extracts a list of loci that have a blastn e-value below a certain threshold, and outputs the (first) matching reference locus, as well as the alignment length, nident, and pident. Results are outputted to file with the chosen e-value as post-fix, and STDOUT gives minimum alignment stats for filtered loci. Note: fields in input file should be (in this order): query id, subject id, alignment length, identity, perc. identity, evalue, bitscore (additional fields beyond that are fine). This can be achieved by using blastn with the following argument: -outfmt 7 qseqid sseqid length nident pident evalue bitscore. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] blastn_file evalue_cut_off

positional arguments:
  blastn_file     blastn output file with the following fields (in that
                  order): query id, subject id, alignment length, identity,
                  perc. identity, evalue, bitscore
  evalue_cut_off  maximum e-value for match to be included

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): blastn_file.txt.

popfile - Shuffle the assignment of individuals to populations by assigning the indivs sequentially to the different pops. The assignment is not completely random, but does generate equal population sizes (which otherwise differ substantially when using random assignment under originally small population sizes). [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] pop_file

positional arguments:
  pop_file    text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): pop_file.txt. - Pseudo-randomize the assignment of individuals to populations. Note: with small population sizes, this can lead to very uneven simulated population sizes. See also the alternative: Individuals in original popfile should be ordered by population. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] pop_file

positional arguments:
  pop_file    text file (tsv or csv) with individuals and populations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): pop_file.txt. - Outputs a popfile based on cluster assignment file (from e.g. STRUCTURE) and outputs a popfile based on those assigments (using supplied assignment threshold). Note: I use the formatted CLUMPP output (e.g. clumpp_K4.out.csv) from the structure_mp wrapper as assignment file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-p pop_filename]
                            assignment_file assign_cut_off

positional arguments:
  assignment_file       text file (tsv or csv) with assignment values for each
                        individual (max. 2 clusters); e.g. a reformatted
                        STRUCTURE output file
  assign_cut_off        min. assignment value for an individual to be assigned
                        to a cluster

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p pop_filename, --popfile pop_filename
                        optional popfile: use original popnames as assignment

Example input file(s): assignment_file.csv.

other - Plots all the results from a structure_mp run to a multi-page PDF. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-o order_filename] [-p] [-c] path

positional arguments:
  path                  path to structure_mp results

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o order_filename, --orderfile order_filename
                        optional file specifying the output order of samples
  -p, --popnames        set flag to output population names
  -c, --clumpp_only     set flag to only plot CLUMPP summary - Set the color of each label in a NEXUS tree file.

usage: [-h] nexus_filename color_filename

positional arguments:
  nexus_filename  nexus input file)
  color_filename  file with samples and corresponding colors

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit - Appends group to each label in a NEXUS tree file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] nexus_filename group_filename

positional arguments:
  nexus_filename  nexus input file)
  group_filename  file with samples and corresponding groups

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit - Creates NJ tree from a genetic distance matrix. Outputs ASCII format to STDOUT and a nexus-formatted tree to output file. Note: distance matrix can be created from vcf using [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] matrix_file tree_output_file

positional arguments:
  matrix_file       text file (tsv or csv) with genetic distance matrix
  tree_output_file  nexus file with output tree

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): matrix_file.txt. - Compiles README markdown file for this repository ( Categories are assigned based on prefix, usage information is extracted from argparse, and example input files are assigned based on argument names. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit - Reduces FASTA file to those loci not listed in supplied text file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] fasta_file exclusion_file

positional arguments:
  fasta_file      FASTA input file (`.fasta`/ `.fa`)
  exclusion_file  text file with names of loci to be excluded

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): fasta_file.fa, exclusion_file.txt. - Reduces FASTA file to only those loci listed in supplied text file. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] fasta_file inclusion_file

positional arguments:
  fasta_file      FASTA input file (`.fasta`/ `.fa`)
  inclusion_file  text file with names of loci to be included

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): fasta_file.fa, inclusion_file.txt. - Filters list of loci mapped to genome scaffolds, so that they are spaced at least a certain distance. Input file should be tab-separated with columns in the following order (no header): rad_locus, ref_scaffold, ref_start_pos, flag. Required spacing between POS will be spacing + max_locus_length. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] [-l loci_file]
                          filename spacing max_locus_length

positional arguments:
  filename              input file
  spacing               desired spacing between loci
  max_locus_length      max. length of loci

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l loci_file, --loci loci_file
                        file with loci to be considered - Creates a list of GO terms for each annotated gene. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h]
                                 gene2uniprot_filename uniprot2go_filename

positional arguments:
                        input file (tsv) with the custom gene ids (first
                        column) and the corresponding UniProt IDs (second
                        column); when multiple UniProt IDs are given for each
                        gene, they should be sorted by highest match)
  uniprot2go_filename   input file (tsv) with UniProt gene ids (first column)
                        and the corresponding GO terms (second column)
                        separated by semi-colons (;)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit - Generate list with all unique pairwise combinations of values in file. Short script meant to allow use of itertools.combinations in bash. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] filename

positional arguments:
  filename    input file with values

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit - Multi-processing STRUCTURE (Pritchard et al 2000) wrapper for RAD-seq data. Takes a .vcf as input file and then creates a number of replicate datasets, each with a different pseudo-random subsampling of one SNP per RAD contig. Then, it runs the replicate datasets through STRUCTURE across multiple threads, and summarises the outcome with CLUMPP (Jakobsson and Rosenberg 2007). Finally, it assesses the number of potential clusters using the Puechmaille 2016 method (only suitable for certain datasets). Note: STILL NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED FOR GENERAL USE. Input file (.vcf) should be sorted by CHROM. The mainparams' and extraparamsfile for STRUCTURE need to be present in the current directory (with the desired settings - althoughNUMINDSandNUMLOCI` can be set to 0 as these will be supplied to STRUCTURE by the script). The paramfile for CLUMPP will be generated by the script and does not need to be supplied. [File did not pass PEP8 check]

usage: [-h] vcf_file pop_file maxK replicates threads

positional arguments:
  vcf_file    input file with SNP data (`.vcf`)
  pop_file    population file (.txt)
  maxK        maximum number of K (expected clusters)
  replicates  number of replicate runs for each K
  threads     number of parallel threads

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example input file(s): vcf_file.vcf, pop_file.txt.


Collection of Python scripts for parsing/analyses of RAD-seq data






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