Telegram bot for converting currencies in groups or private messages
- Can seek any mention of currency and send message with converted value
- Can seek any types: int, float, divided by spaces ("10 dollar", "10 dol", "10.8 $", "100 00 00 eur")
- Can work in groups or private chats
- No need special invoking. It reed all messages an search for expression: "|number| |first chars of currency name or sign|"
- You can add any currencies and any expression in source code at 'currencies' section
- Suffixes like K, KK, M, millo, billio, thous...
- Additional list for currencies that will not be showed in regular list currencies, but can be converted to them.
- Optional whitelist of user IDs to prevent unauthorized using
Add the bot into chat and open access to read all mesages, or just use PM. Then just use digit + currency in your message.
-Today I found 19$
-19.0$ = 699.96₴ 17.59€ 1339.12₽ 8702.95₸
-And 5 eur
-5.0€ = 198.92₴ 380.56₽ 5.40$ 2473.27₸
-5.3 million tenge
-5300000.0₸ = 443,045.94₴ 10,902.24€ 1,082,548.09₽ 11,993.66$ 86,474.32¥
Whitelist can be turned on optionally by creating python file near
with code like:
whitelist = [12345, 12346]
Setup requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python "<your tg bot token>"