Browser Extension/bookmarklet to quickly generate a finetuning example
Steps to use:
Install the chrome extension here, or drag bookmarklet from onto your Bookmarks Bar.
Open and construct your finetuning example.
A file with the corresponding json lines (.jsonl) content for the finetuning example will be downloaded to your Downloads folder, and copied onto your clipboard.
You can combine the examples you want into a single file like this:
python ~/Downloads
Alternatively, create new bookmark in your browser with the following code as the content:
javascript:(function()%7Bjavascript%3A (function () %7B%0A %2F%2F Function to display a toast message%0A function showToast(message) %7B%0A var toast %3D document.createElement('div')%3B%0A toast.textContent %3D message%3B%0A Object.assign( %7B%0A position%3A 'fixed'%2C%0A bottom%3A '20px'%2C%0A left%3A '50%25'%2C%0A transform%3A 'translateX(-50%25)'%2C%0A backgroundColor%3A 'black'%2C%0A color%3A 'white'%2C%0A padding%3A '10px'%2C%0A borderRadius%3A '5px'%2C%0A zIndex%3A '1000'%2C%0A fontSize%3A '14px'%0A %7D)%3B%0A document.body.appendChild(toast)%3B%0A setTimeout(function () %7B document.body.removeChild(toast)%3B %7D%2C 3000)%3B%0A %7D%0A%0A console.log('Checking URL...')%3B%0A %2F%2F Check the URL%0A if (window.location.href.startsWith('')) %7B%0A console.log('URL is correct.')%3B%0A %2F%2F Select the button with XPath%0A var xpath %3D "%2F%2Fbutton%5Bcontains(.%2C 'View code')%5D"%3B%0A var viewCodeButton %3D document.evaluate(xpath%2C document%2C null%2C XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE%2C null).singleNodeValue%3B%0A%0A if (viewCodeButton) %7B%0A console.log('View code button found.')%3B%0A setTimeout(function () %7B%0A var modalContent %3D document.querySelector('.modal-body')%3B%0A if (modalContent) %7B%0A console.log('Modal content found.')%3B%0A %2F%2F Select JSON in the dropdown%0A var select %3D document.querySelector('.code-sample-select.api-code-lang-select')%3B%0A if (select) %7B%0A console.log('Dropdown found.')%3B%0A select.value %3D 'json'%3B%0A var event %3D new Event('change'%2C %7B bubbles%3A true %7D)%3B%0A select.dispatchEvent(event)%3B%0A %7D%0A%0A var text %3D modalContent.innerText%3B%0A %2F%2F find first %7B and last %7D%0A var jsonPart %3D text.substring(text.indexOf('%7B')%2C text.lastIndexOf('%7D') %2B 1)%3B%0A jsonPart %3D JSON.parse(jsonPart)%3B%0A %2F%2F stringify the messages array%0A var messages %3D JSON.stringify(jsonPart%5B'messages'%5D)%3B%0A console.log('messages'%2C messages)%3B%0A %2F%2F formattedContent is a JSON object with a messages array as value for the key "messages"%0A var formattedContent %3D JSON.stringify(%7B "messages"%3A JSON.parse(messages) %7D)%3B%0A %2F%2F minify the JSON%0A console.log(JSON.parse(formattedContent))%3B%0A%0A var textArea %3D document.createElement('textarea')%3B%0A textArea.value %3D formattedContent%3B%0A document.body.appendChild(textArea)%3B%0A navigator.clipboard.writeText(textArea.value)%0A .then(() %3D> %7B%0A console.log('Content copied to clipboard.')%3B%0A document.body.removeChild(textArea)%3B%0A showToast('Finetune example was copied to clipboard')%3B%0A %2F%2F Dismiss the modal%0A var closeButton %3D document.querySelector('.modal-footer button')%3B%0A if (closeButton) %2F%2F download a text file with the content%0A var element %3D document.createElement('a')%3B%0A element.setAttribute('href'%2C 'data%3Atext%2Fplain%3Bcharset%3Dutf-8%2C' %2B encodeURIComponent(formattedContent))%3B%0A %2F%2F create a hash for the filename based on the text%0A var hash %3D 0%2C i%2C chr%3B%0A if (formattedContent.length %3D%3D%3D 0) hash %3D 1%3B%0A for (i %3D 0%3B i < formattedContent.length%3B i%2B%2B) %7B%0A chr %3D formattedContent.charCodeAt(i)%3B%0A hash %3D ((hash << 5) - hash) %2B chr%3B%0A hash %7C%3D 0%3B %2F%2F Convert to 32bit integer%0A %7D%0A element.setAttribute('download'%2C 'openai-ft-example-'%2Bhash%2B'.json')%3B%0A %3D 'none'%3B%0A document.body.appendChild(element)%3B%0A document.body.removeChild(element)%3B%0A %7D)%0A .catch((error) %3D> %7B%0A console.error('Failed to copy text%3A '%2C error)%3B%0A %7D)%3B%0A %7D%0A %7D%2C 1000)%3B%0A %7D else %7B%0A showToast('Button with "View Code" not found')%3B%0A %7D%0A %7D else %7B%0A showToast('This bookmarklet only works on')%3B%0A %7D%0A%7D)()%3B%7D)()%3B
We use to convert the bookmarklet-code.js into something that can be copied into the content of a bookmark.
Bookmarklet code: