Releases: AFRL-Material-State-Awareness/POD4.5
- First release candidate (RC) for PODv4.5
- Automated unit testing applied to key components of PODv4.5.
- Improved the axes labeling for the normality chart to produce clean, rounded numbers.
- Code from this release is a lot cleaner and more optimized in tested projects such as Globals.
- CANNOT open older .pod files. If you wish to open a saved .pod file with PODv4.5, use PODv4.5.2Beta.
- Supports up to 50 Analyses for one project
-Fixed Boxcox relabeling issue when the user loads an analysis
-Added Normality Chart to signal response (information on this is in the READM). The chart will be explained in the quick help in a future release.
-Vast improvement to the memory leak issues within the UI. Be cautious when making new projects after finishing a project with a bunch of analyses. For now, it may be best to simply restart the application instead of hitting new project.
-The POD application now supports up to 50 analyses of either HitMiss, Signal Response, or both.
- In future version of PODv4.5, we intend to apply formal testing on the program in order to upgrade the release from beta to candidate release (CR).
This is an beta version of PODv4.5 with the new integrated R backend. This version is feature complete for version 4.5 (there may be additional features added in version 4.6) . Several bug fixes/features have been applied including but not limited to:
~Axis label issues when selected different transforms in the choose transform panel
~graphs getting smaller when the user repeatedly clicks between residuals and line of best fit in the signal response choose transform Panel
~Users can now view the POD curve even if the a9095 doesn't exist
~The program will also give recommendations to user in order to improve the quality of the analysis
~PODv4.5 can now allocate more memory in RAM to do more advanced/larger analyses.
~The program does not go into an infinite loop if the user presses finish without naming the project in the Project Setup wizard
~PODv4.5 can support up to analyses 20 within a single project without crashing.
The installer has a 'plug and play' architecture (R and its libraries are included in the installation). In the event that you encounter an issue or have recommendations to improve this program. Please open an issue in the PODv4.5 github repository.
As a whole, this program is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later (GPLv3+, see []). All of the libraries used in PODv4.5.0 are compatible with GPLv3, and a list of all the dependencies used can be found in the PODv4.5 repository itself.
Updated version of PODv4.5.1 (BETA) has the following changes:
-Updated the about information so that contact info is up to date ( POC is Christine Knott)
-Fixed potentials errors with exporting to excel early (user can now export to excel early if they wish)
-the ghost POD curve now works properly within the program and export to excel(originally did not appear)
-program will no longer add an analysis after the limit is reached (currently 20 analyses per project)
-other minor bug fixes
As a whole, this program is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later (GPLv3+, see []). All of the libraries used in PODv4.5.1 are compatible with GPLv3, and a list of all the dependencies used can be found in the PODv4.5 repository itself.