THE APP: An application that makes the decision of where to have your next meal. We all know choosing where to eat can be a different question for a lot of people, and usually results in disagreements between participating parties. This app is aimed to resolve arguments and decrease the chances of these arguments arising with significant others, family, or friends.
With a click of a button, LET'S EAT will make a pick a resturant for you. You may also refine your options with the available filters, either choosing a specific type of cuisine or price point.
THE CODE: The app is created using React.js. Restaurant data is fetched from a REST API. Results based on user inputs, retreived data are filtered by the app, and presented to the user.
SOURCES: Link to the app: https://acheung17.github.io/LetsEat-APP/#/
Link to the REST API: https://infinite-dawn-76227.herokuapp.com/restaurants Link to the code of the REST API: https://github.com/ACheung17/LetsEat-RESTAPI