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Troubleshooting Guide

F43nd1r edited this page May 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

Documentation has moved! Visit for versions 5.8 forward


Instant Run

We cannot guarantee ACRA will work with instant run enabled. ALways try to reproduce an error with instant run disabled before reporting it.

Legacy Multidex

If you are using legacy multidex, ensure that ACRA.init(...) is called after Multidex.install().


ACRA 5.1 is using android.permission.WAKE_LOCK with maxSdkVersion="25". If you need this permission also in higher versions, you need to use the following declaration:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" tools:node="replace"/>

or just upgrade to 5.2.0 or higher


ACRA uses the SenderService to send crash reports. The SenderService runs in a separate process to ensure that reports can be sent even when your own VM is dying from an unhandled exception. This means that a new instance of your application will be started and Application.onCreate() will be called again. If you are performing once only tasks in Application.onCreate() then check the name of the current process and don't do them if the process name is :acra. You can use ACRA.isACRASenderServiceProcess() for this.

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