AAC members do projects related to the domain of their choosing every year, giving them a huge boost in the current market's cut-throat competition. Our members gain experience in various exception handling and will have real-world project experience from their first year itself. AAC members have an extensive record of participating and winning in various hackathons. These students are widely considered to be the cream of GRIET. We also conduct various hackathons and events across the year in the college.
- The members of this club are accepted by a filtration of 2 rounds in their first year.
- The first round concentrates on their mental ability, mathematical prowess, and English proficiency. A person's ability to think, ability to apply concepts in the real world, and ability to coherently frame their train of thought is a valued asset in any branch of the profession.
- The second round tests the students' ability to be quick on their feet. We give a task on preparing a documentation about various relevant topics. Preparation of the document will give us insights into the student's ability to learn on their own and grasp concepts without explanation.
- In the interview, we test a student's speaking skills by asking questions on the spot, forcing them to articulate their thoughts. We also ask verbal aptitude questions and simple mathematical questions.
- Interested candidate can make a pull request for a specific repository.
- The candidate is advised to follow the valid format for pull request, which includes, but is not limited to:
- Before choosing to propose changes to this project, it is advisable to go through the readme.md file of the project to get the philosphy and the motive that went behind this project. The pull request should align with the philosphy and the motive of the original poster of this project.
- To add your changes, make sure that the programming language in which you are proposing the changes should be same as the programming language that has been used in the project. The versions of the programming language and the libraries(if any) used should also match with the original code.
- Write a documentation on the changes that you are proposing. The documentation should include the problems you have noticed in the code(if any), the changes you would like to propose, the reason for these changes, and sample test cases. Remember that the topics in the documentation is strictly not limited to the topics aforementioned, but are just an inclusion.
- Submit a pull request via Git etiquette
- If the pull request format is not following the valid format, the pull request access will be denied. If the pull request format is valid, it will be reviewed.
- If there are any changes that are to be done to the pull request, you will be reverted back. If there are no changes to be done, your pull request will be approved.
- Your changes will undergo validation(sample test cases and security). If the results are saisfactory, your change will be merged. If not, you will be reverted back.
Developed and Maintained by Advanced Academic Center Core committee