A cross-platform game development kit for CC65, targetting 6502 based 8bit-era computers: Apple //, Atari 8bit, Atari Lynx, Commodore 64/128, NES/Famicom, Oric 1/Atmos
To get started:
run builder.bat and load any *.builder file from the folders in /projects/. After clicking "generate scripts", batch files will be added in /build/ that you can run to produce DISKS/ROMS for the various platforms.
Install some pre-requesites:
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt install cc65
sudo apt install wine
sudo apt install default-jre
sudo apt install python2
sudo apt install python-tk
sudo python2 get-pip.py
pip2 install pillow
pip2 install pygubu
run builder.sh and load any *.builder file from the folders in /projects/. After clicking "generate scripts", bash files will be added in /build/ that you can run to produce DISKS/ROMS for the various platforms.
Asset production tools like SpritePad, Gimp and Trackers are not included here. You can find those packaged in "release" downloads from wwww.8bit-unity.com.