A project to monitor inverters through ESPHome in Home Assistant, providing real-time data monitoring.
- Home Assistant with ESPHome installed
- ESP32 (DOIT DevKit V1)
- UART connection to inverter (TX: GPIO17, RX: GPIO16)
Real-time monitoring of inverter parameters:
- Input/Output voltage and frequency
- Battery voltage and charging current
- Power metrics (apparent, active, power factor)
- Temperature and load percentage
- System status and operation mode
- WiFi connectivity with fallback AP mode
- Home Assistant API integration
- OTA (Over-The-Air) updates support
- Two relay outputs for external control (GPIO22, GPIO18)
- Status LED (GPIO2)
- In Home Assistant, go to ESPHome dashboard
- Click on "+ NEW DEVICE"
- Select your ESP32
- Copy the provided YAML file content
- Update WiFi credentials in your
- Install the firmware to your device
name1: "inverter"
friendly_name: "Inverter"
tx_pin: GPIO17
rx_pin: GPIO16
Add to your ESPHome's secrets.yaml
wifi_ssid: "your_ssid"
wifi_password: "your_password"
fallback_password: "fallback_password"
If you want to add relay control, add these substitutions:
sw1_pin: GPIO22 #Relay1
sw2_pin: GPIO18 #Relay2
The device communicates with the inverter using UART with the following specifications:
- Baud rate: 2400
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Buffer size: 256 bytes
The project includes various sensor types:
- Text sensors for status information and version
- Binary sensors for system status and operation modes
- Numeric sensors for all measured values (voltage, current, power, etc.)
- Check device logs in ESPHome dashboard
- Verify UART connections and baud rate
- Ensure proper WiFi credentials in secrets.yaml
- Monitor the "Last Response" sensor for raw communication data
Feel free to report issues and propose improvements.
This project is open source. Feel free to use and modify as needed.