Reads Braille input by screen touch for iPhone.
- The position of the dots appears to be reversed in the video above, but appears correct when viewed from the back of the device.
- Example of use :
Recognizes Braille and Swipes.
- Recognized Braille is converted to Unicode (U+2801~U+283F).
- Annotation
- The moment even one touched finger is released, the Braille is recognized including the remaining touches.
- The ⠿ is recognized at the moment of a 6-points touch. (The upper limit for multi-touch on the iphone is 5-points touch. If this is exceeded, an cancel-event will occur. This event is recognized as ⠿.)
- Failure occurs if there are more than 4 points of touch on one side (left or right) of the input screen.
- 1 to 5-points touch up, down, left, right swipes, and combinations thereof.
Two input modes are available.
Behavior with Portrait Orientation Lock.
- When the device is placed vertically, the Hold Mode input screen automatically rotates.
- When the device is placed horizontally, the input screen becomes the Table Mode input screen.
- ON
- The screen is fixed to Portrait, so only the Hold Mode input screen is displayed. However, a method is provided to specify the orientation of the input screen ( lockIfOrientation() ). This method should be called with a specific swipe operation.
Disable animation to prevent swipes caused by touch during rotation.
Use the Swift Package Manager to install YubitenReader as a dependency of your project.
The application should be coded as follows.
Add the following method to let YubitenReader handle screen rotation.import UIKit @main class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { ... func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return .all } }
Add the following method to ensure screen lock.import UIKit import YubitenReader class ViewController: UIViewController { ... override var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return yubitenReader?.supportedIfOrientations ?? .all } }
The recognized Braille is received as follows.
import UIKit import YubitenReader class ViewController: UIViewController { var yubitenReader: YubitenReader! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() yubitenReader = YubitenReader(frame: self.view.frame, handler: brailleReader) } func brailleReader(reco: YubitenReader.Recognition, braille: String, swipes: [YubitenReader.SwipeType]) { switch reco { case .braille: print(braille) case .swipe: if swipes.contains(.swipeDown1) { print("Swipe Down with 1 finger") } case .failure: print("?") } } ... }
public enum Recognition { case braille case swipe case failure } public enum SwipeType: String { case swipeUp1 = "swipe U1" // swipe Up with 1 finger case swipeUp2 = "swipe U2" // swipe Up with 2 fingers case swipeUp3 = "swipe U3" // swipe Up with 3 fingers case swipeUp4 = "swipe U4" // swipe Up with 4 fingers case swipeUp5 = "swipe U5" // swipe Up with 5 fingers case swipeDown1 = "swipe D1" // swipe Down with 1 finger case swipeDown2 = "swipe D2" // swipe Down with 2 fingers case swipeDown3 = "swipe D3" // swipe Down with 3 fingers case swipeDown4 = "swipe D4" // swipe Down with 4 fingers case swipeDown5 = "swipe D5" // swipe Down with 5 fingers case swipeLeft1 = "swipe L1" // swipe Left with 1 finger case swipeLeft2 = "swipe L2" // swipe Left with 2 fingers case swipeLeft3 = "swipe L3" // swipe Left with 3 fingers case swipeLeft4 = "swipe L4" // swipe Left with 4 fingers case swipeLeft5 = "swipe L5" // swipe Left with 5 fingers case swipeRight1 = "swipe R1" // swipe Right with 1 finger case swipeRight2 = "swipe R2" // swipe Right with 2 fingers case swipeRight3 = "swipe R3" // swipe Right with 3 fingers case swipeRight4 = "swipe R4" // swipe Right with 4 fingers case swipeRight5 = "swipe R5" // swipe Right with 5 fingers }
Guide Customization
# properties description default 1 titleLabel.text see figure. "\u{1F91A} Type Finger Braille." 2 backgroundColor Background color when the guide screen is hidden. 3 showGuide Show/hide guide screen. false 4 middleFingerWidth see figure.
For zero values, the following calculation results are used.
middleFingerWidth = min(width, height) / 30 5 fingerAngle see figure. (radian) (Table Mode Only) 0.698132(=40°) 6 fingerBias see figure. (Table Mode Only) (x, y) = (0, -20) 7 labelColor see figure. UIColor.white 8 indexFingerColor see figure. UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1) 9 middleFingerColor see figure. UIColor(red: 0.4, green: 0.4, blue: 0.4, alpha: 1) 10 ringFingerColor see figure. UIColor(red: 0.3, green: 0.3, blue: 0.3, alpha: 1) 11 borderWidth see figure. 1.0 12 borderColor see figure. // Example : yubitenReader.titleLabel.text = "\u{283f} Hello World" yubitenReader.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.5) yubitenReader.showGuide = true yubitenReader.middleFingerWidth = 100 yubitenReader.fingerAngle = 1.0 // radian yubitenReader.fingerBias = CGPoint(x: -50, y: 0) yubitenReader.labelColor = yubitenReader.indexFingerColor = yubitenReader.middleFingerColor = yubitenReader.ringFingerColor = yubitenReader.borderWidth = 5 yubitenReader.borderColor =
Touch Spot
# properties description default 1 showTouchSpot show/hide spot true 2 touchSpotSize spot diameter 80 3 touchSpotColor spot color UIColor.yellow.withAlphaComponent(0.5) // Example : yubitenReader.showTouchSpot = true yubitenReader.touchSpotSize = 80 yubitenReader.touchSpotColor =
# properties description default 1 swipeDistance Travel distance to be determined as a swipe. 50 // Example : yubitenReader.swipeDistance = 50
Vibrates when the designated Braille dots is touched. This function allows the visually impaired to confirm the touch position.# properties description default 1 vibration vibration on/off false 2 vibrationBraille braille array [ ] (empty) 3 vibrationInterval vibration interval 0.1 (sec) 4 vibrationSound sound on/off false 5 vibrationSoundID SystemSoundID 1105 ( = Tock.caf ) // Example : yubitenReader.vibration = true yubitenReader.vibrationBraille = [ "\u{2802}", "\u{2810}" ] // ②,⑤ yubitenReader.vibrationInterval = 0.2 // sec yubitenReader.vibrationSound = true yubitenReader.vibrationSoundID = 1057 // Tink.caf ... see Sound.swift
Guide Spot
Displays a spot at the specified Braille dots location. This function is designed to help sighted people users learn finger Braille.# properties description default 1 guideSpot show/hide gude spot false 2 guideSpotBraille braille "" 3 guideSpotSize spot diameter 80 4 guideSpotColor spot color // Example : yubitenReader.guideSpot = true yubitenReader.guideSpotBraille = "\u{2812}" // ②,⑤ yubitenReader.guideSpotSize = 70 yubitenReader.guideSpotColor =
Utility Methods
# Methods, Properties Description 1 func lockIfOrientation() Lock to the specified Interface Orientation.
isFlat = false : Hold Mode Guide, = true : Table Mode Guide.2 func unlockIfOrientation() Unlock Interface Orientation. 3 var isLocked read only : Bool 4 var supportedIfOrientations read only : UIInterfaceOrientationMask 5 var devOrientation read only : UIDeviceOrientation? 6 var ifOrientation read only : UIDeviceOrientation? public func lockIfOrientation(_ ifOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation, isFlat: Bool) {} public func unlockIfOrientation() {} public var isLocked: Bool public var supportedIfOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask public var devOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation? public var ifOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation?
On one side of the screen, the Braille dots is recognized as follows. The same method is used on the other side.
1-Point Touch
Recognizes Braille dots at the touched position as guided. -
2-Points Touch
Recognize by vote as shown in the following table.left side # # # # # # right side ① 1 1 2 ④ ② 1 1 2 ⑤ ③ 1 1 2 ⑥ Recognition ●
●Recognition -
3-Points Touch
Recognize each point as touched. -
4-Points Touch and more
Suppose that recognition fails.
Origin of the name : finger braille = 指点字 ( yubi tenji ) -> Yubiten