© 2024 Saurabh Pathak. All rights reserved
This repository contains implementations of backpropagation- free algorithms for training neural networks. These algorithms aim to provide alternative methods for updating network weights without relying on traditional backpropagation techniques.
This project implements and explores backpropagation-free algorithms for training neural networks. The main focus in this repository is on projection-based methods that update network weights without explicitly computing gradients through backpropagation and avoid the weight transport problem.
Backpropagation has been the cornerstone of neural network training for decades. However, there are several reasons to explore backpropagation-free training methods:
- Biological Plausibility: The brain doesn't perform backpropagation in the way artificial neural networks do. Backpropagation-free methods aim to create models that are more biologically plausible and may lead to insights about how the brain learns.
- Memory Efficiency: Backpropagation requires storing intermediate activations during the forward pass, which can be memory-intensive for large models. Backpropagation-free methods can offer lower memory requirements.
- Real-Time Learning: Some backpropagation-free methods allow for online or real-time learning, where the model can be updated immediately after each example, without waiting for a full backward pass.
- Overcoming Vanishing/Exploding Gradients: Traditional backpropagation can suffer from vanishing or exploding gradients, especially in deep networks. Some backpropagation-free methods are less susceptible to these issues.
- Parallel Processing: Certain backpropagation-free algorithms are more amenable to parallel processing, potentially leading to faster training on specialized hardware.
- Non-Differentiable Components: Backpropagation requires all components of the network to be differentiable. Backpropagation-free methods can potentially work with non-differentiable activation functions or layers.
- Theoretical Insights: Studying alternative training methods can provide new theoretical insights into learning dynamics and optimization in neural networks.
This project explores three known methods as an alternative to backpropagation: DFA(Direct Feedback Alignment)[1], DRTP(Direct Random Target Projection)[2] and Local Loss(LL)[3]. These methods update weights using random feedback matrices. In the case of DFA, DRTP and LL methods, these matrices are used to project global error, output target, and local error respectively onto the layer-local space. From another viewpoint, the random matrices can be seen projecting the layer output to the target space, on which a loss function is then applied. This is obvious in the case of LL, but both DRTP and DFA can also be seen as computing a loss function in the projected output space.
In this implementation, we take the latter view and create a unified framework in TF2/Keras/Keras-tuner for all three algorithms in context of fully connected feedforward networks. While [1,2,3] consider the classification problem, however, in the case of LL, we additionally consider the image reconstruction problem by using a local MSE loss in that case. By implementing and studying these backpropagation-free algorithms, this project contributes to the broader research effort in finding efficient, biologically plausible, and potentially more powerful ways to train neural networks.
We use TF2.14 and Python 3.11 based setup. Using a docker
environment is highly recommended. To that end, a
and a pipenv Pipfile
is provided. Please see
them for details. When built using the given Dockerfile
it should automatically take care of all dependencies.
docker build -t <name>:<tag> .
Once the image is built, an interactive container should be created:
docker run -itv <mounts> --network host --gpus all
--name <cname> <name>:<tag>
: Implements FC layer that projects a local layer output into target space.dataloader.py
: Handles data loading and preprocessingtf.data
pipeline. Currently provisioned to work with MNIST, CIFAR10/100, FMNIST, Caltech256, and Eurosathparams.py
: Defines hyperparameters for the models and training/tuning process.hypermodels.py
: Implements hypermodels for tuning.sequential.py
: Defines the sequential FC neural network model.train.py
: Contains the unified training model and logic for handling all three algorithms as well as standard backpropagation for comparison.tune.py
: Implements hyperparameter tuning functionality using keras tuner's gridsearch.train.bash
: Bash script for running training experiments. This script can be used to manage tuning runs and can auto resume in case of crashes.utils.py
: miscellaneous functions used throughout the project.gridsearch.py
: essentially a copy of keras_tuner's gridsearch functionality except a few bookkeeping enhancements, such as recording training histories of all models built and trained during the running experiment, random trial_ids replacing sequential trial_ids for tensorboard visualization, etc.example.ipynb
: shows minimal example on how to tune and plot histories directly using code.
The primary design objective is to be able to tune best possible values of hyperparameters through gridsearch. The following training command pattern is to be used:
./train.bash <experiment_data_dir> --objective
<tuner_objective, eg., loss|val_loss> --dataset <dataset,
e.g., mnist> [optional_args]
where experiment_data_dir
will be created to store
data for the experiment under execution, such as tuner runs
with different hparams settings under consideration.
Optional arguments may include hparams that one wants to
fix instead of tuning as well as other params that are
defined in hparams.py
. Parameters defined in hparams.py
other than those that are tunable (see below) will
take on their default value unless overridden through
command line. See hparams.py
for their default values.
Note: Not all parameters defined in hparams.py
can be
overridden through commandline, but one can always edit
the file directly for such scenarios.
For a more advanced interaction with this project, we
can directly utilize the code instead of the bash script.
To that end, example.ipynb
contains a minimal
demonstration of how to do so. In it, we show classification on
CIFAR10 dataset using different algorithms. We consider
the training error rate and find the best learning rate
for respective algorithms in doing so.
Specifically, we tune the following hyperparameters:
- architecture: chosen from
- algorithms: chosen from
- activations: from
- batchnorm:
[True, False]
- feedback_matrix init scheme:
- learning rate:
min_value=1e-4, max_value=.1, step=10, sampling='log'
- dropout regularization rate: from
We exclude those hparams from tuning that are set to a fixed value by means of an optional command line flag.
./train.bash data/mnist_test --dataset mnist --num_epochs
100 \
--lr 1e-3 --activation relu --bw_init ortho \
--algorithm dfa --problem_type reconstruction \
--examples_frac .5 --executions_per_trial 1 \
--batch_norm --objective val_loss --arch 500-500
./train.bash data/test --dataset cifar10 --num_epochs 50 \
--lr 1e-3 --activation tanh --bw_init lecun \
--algorithm drtp --problem_type classification \
--examples_frac 0. --executions_per_trial 3 \
--nobatch_norm --objective loss --arch 500-500-1000-500 \
--tracker bp_cosine --tracker weight_alignment
./train.bash data/ll_test --dataset cifar10 --num_epochs
150 \
--lr 1e-4 --activation swish --bw_init lecun \
--algorithm cce --problem_type classification \
--examples_frac 0. --executions_per_trial 1 \
--nobatch_norm --objective loss --arch 500-500-1000-500 \
--tracker gradients --tracker weight_alignment
./train.bash data/ll_test_recons --dataset cifar10
150 \
--activation swish --bw_init lecun \
--algorithm mse --problem_type reconstruction \
--examples_frac 0.5 --executions_per_trial 10 \
--batch_norm --objective val_error --arch 500-1500-1000
There are minimal checks in the code for parameter combinations. However, using them arbitrarily might lead to failures and/or instability in training. It is advisable to read the reference papers and use the knowledge of respective algorithms in experiment designs. Following are some scenarios off the top:
- DRTP does not work well for reconstruction problems by design. Code throws an error on attempting to use it as so.
- DRTP fails with unbounded activation functions such as ReLU. No checks in code. Training will likely explode to NaN.
- Using MSE loss for classification might not work as well as CCE.
- Batchnorm might hurt or boost performance depending on other settings, check performance without it first before using it.
- Dropout regularization hyperparameter is only
activated when
. Providing a dropout rate hyperparameter without aval
substring in theobjective
will have no effect. - When
is provided, either a dataframe must already be present in thedata
folder that lists the best learning rate for different hparams from an earlier tuning run, orlr
must be fixed on the command line. Seehypermodels.py
for details.
Thanks for reading the README. This software is "AS IS" and may contain issues. I will fix them as I come across or if you bring them to my notice. I am deeply interested in efficient training algorithms for deep learning that draw inspiration from but are not limited by natural counterparts of neural nets, as well as sustainable and decentralized AI in general. As such, I would greatly welcome research and collaboration opportunities in this domain. Please contact me if you think I can be of value.