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Testing the M5 Interface on v1.2.0

Jordi J. Gimenez edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 4 revisions


Testing: M5 Interface (5GMSd Application Function v1.2.x)

To prepare, follow the instructions for local user building and installation.


These tests use test configurations from the examples directory. Some of these example configuration will need self-signed public certificates generating, and appropriate instructions are included to run the generation script with the correct configuration where appropriate.

The msaf.yaml file in use by the Application Function is one of (in preference order):

  • The file passed on the command line using the -c parameter.
  • ${prefix}/etc/open5gs/msaf.yaml

These tests use the -c command line parameter to override the default configuration location.

See Configuring the Application Function for more details on Application Function configuration.


This section will describe common tests and the expected outcomes for the M5 interface.

Note: At this time the only implemented part of the M5 interface is the ServiceAccessInformation API

M5 API prefix

The current implementation of the interface at M5 uses the URL prefix of http://${msaf.m5.addr}:${msaf.m5.port}/3gpp-m5/v2/, no other versions (i.e. "v2" only) are implemented and attempts to use another version will result a 400 Bad Request error response.

Unsupported M5 API version

Test URL: http://${msaf.m5.addr}:${msaf.m5.port}/3gpp-m5/v1/service-access-information Example command: curl -v ''

Expected result:

> GET /3gpp-m5/v1/service-access-information HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
< Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 11:46:59 GMT
< Connection: close
< Content-Type: application/problem+json
< Content-Length: 124
	"type":	"/3gpp-m5/v1",
	"title":	"Not supported version",
	"status":	400,
	"instance":	"/service-access-information"

Note: There may also be additional HTTP library information lines output by curl starting with a * character interspersed with the output.

AF log output:

02/07 11:46:59.263: [msaf] ERROR: Not supported version [v1] (../src/5gmsaf/msaf-sm.c:494)

The HTTP response is a 400 status code with a ProblemDetail JSON object in the body. The problem detail shows that the error happened because the request contained an unsupported version. The application itself produces an ERROR log message indicating that a client requested an unsupported version.


These tests describe the available actions and possible responses for the M5 ServiceAccessInformation APIs.

Interface URL: http://${msaf.m5.addr}:${msaf.m5.port}/3gpp-m5/v2/service-access-information/${provisioningSessionId}

Where ${provisioningSessionId} is the provisioning session identifier for the provisioning session. This URL comes from the Location in the response on the interface at M1 to a createProvisioningSession API action, and is displayed by the m1-session tool when a new-provisioning-session or new-stream command is successful.

Testing Success

Testing the unencrypted media entry point on the canonical hostname

If the ContentHostingConfiguration does not contain any distributionConfigurations.certificateId or distributionConfigurations.domainNameAlias properties then the mediaPlayerEntry in the ServiceAccessInformation will use the "http" protocol and the canonical hostname of the 5GMSd Application Server as the authority part.

  1. Stop the AF if it is running.

  2. Clean up old persistent data:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the AF:

  4. Configure a simple stream:

    ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/bin/m1-session new-stream -e AppId -n 'Simple Stream' '' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'
  5. Using the provisioning session id, returned from the m1-session command, perform a GET request on the interface URL.

    Example command if the provisioning session id is 0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c:

    curl -v ''

    Expected result:

    > GET /3gpp-m5/v2/service-access-information/0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 12:11:56 GMT
    < Connection: close
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Content-Length: 278
        "provisioningSessionId":	"0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c",
        "provisioningSessionType":	"DOWNLINK",
        "streamingAccess":	{
            "mediaPlayerEntry":	"http://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c/BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd"

    Note: There may also be additional HTTP library information lines output by curl starting with a * character interspersed with the output.

    The HTTP response is a 200 status code with the body containing a ServiceAccessInformation JSON object. The provisioningSessionId in the ServiceAccessInformation object should match the id presented in the request URL. The provisioningSessionType will be "DOWNLINK". The mediaPlayerEntry will be a "http://" URL for the canonical name set in the msaf.yaml file in the msaf.applicationServers.canonicalHostname property, and a path starting with the value of the msaf.applicationServers.urlPathPrefixFormat and ending in "/BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd" (which comes from the entryPointPath in the m1-session command).

Testing the encrypted media entry point on the canonical hostname

If the ContentHostingConfiguration contains distributionConfigurations.certificateId properties then an "https://" will be used for the mediaPlayerEntry in the ServiceAccessInformation.

  1. Stop the AF if it is running.

  2. Clean up old persistent data:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the AF:

  4. Configure a simple stream with self-signed HTTPS distribution:

    ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/bin/m1-session new-stream -e AppId -n 'Simple HTTPS Stream' --with-ssl '' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'
  5. Using the provisioning session id, returned from the m1-session command, perform a GET request on the interface URL

    Example command if the provisioning session id is 0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c:

    curl -v ''

    Expected result:

    > GET /3gpp-m5/v2/service-access-information/0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 12:11:56 GMT
    < Connection: close
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Content-Length: 278
        "provisioningSessionId":    "0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c",
        "provisioningSessionType":  "DOWNLINK",
        "streamingAccess":  {
            "mediaPlayerEntry": "https://localhost/m4d/provisioning-session-0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c/BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd"

    Note: There may also be additional HTTP library information lines output by curl starting with a * character interspersed with the output.

    The HTTP response is a 200 status code with the body containing a ServiceAccessInformation JSON object. The provisioningSessionId in the ServiceAccessInformation object should match the id presented in the request URL. The provisioningSessionType will be "DOWNLINK". The mediaPlayerEntry will be a "https://" URL (to show the AF is giving preference to the HTTPS access point) for the canonical name localhost (set in the msaf.yaml file in the msaf.applicationServers.canonicalHostname property), and a path starting with the value of the msaf.applicationServers.urlPathPrefixFormat and ending in "/BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd" (which comes from the entryPointPath in the m1-session command).

Testing the mediaPlayerEntry when providing a domainNameAlias

If the ContentHostingConfiguration given in the msaf.yaml configuration file includes a distributionConfigurations.domainNameAlias then this hostname will be used as the authority for the mediaPlayerEntry in the ServiceAccessInformation in preference to the canonical hostname of the AS.

To test this:

  1. Stop the AF process.

  2. Clean up old persistent data:

    rm -rf ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/var/cache/rt-5gms/af/certificates
  3. Start the AF:

  4. Configure a simple stream with self-signed HTTPS distribution:

    ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/bin/m1-session new-stream -e AppId -n 'Simple HTTPS Stream' -d '' '' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'
  5. Using the provisioning session id, returned from the m1-session command, perform a GET request on the interface URL

    Example command if the provisioning session id is 0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c:

    curl -v ''

    Expected result:

    > GET /3gpp-m5/v2/service-access-information/0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 12:11:56 GMT
    < Connection: close
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Content-Length: 278
        "provisioningSessionId":    "0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c",
        "provisioningSessionType":  "DOWNLINK",
        "streamingAccess":  {
            "mediaPlayerEntry": ""

    Note: There may also be additional HTTP library information lines output by curl starting with a * character interspersed with the output.

    The HTTP response is a 200 status code with the body containing a ServiceAccessInformation JSON object. The provisioningSessionId in the ServiceAccessInformation object should match the id presented in the request URL. The provisioningSessionType will be "DOWNLINK". The mediaPlayerEntry will be a "http://" URL followed by the FQDN given with the -d command line argument to the m1-session command, and a path starting with the value of the msaf.applicationServers.urlPathPrefixFormat from the msaf.yaml configuration file and ending in "/BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd" (which comes from the entryPointPath given on the m1-session command line).

Testing No Such Provisioning Session

If the ${provisioningSessionId} used in the request URL does not exist as an active provisioning session in the AF then the HTTP response will be a 404 Not Found status code.

To test this

  1. Start the AF if it is not already running, e.g.:

  2. Configure a simple stream:

    ~/rt-5gms-application-function/install/bin/m1-session new-stream -e AppId -n 'Simple Stream' '' 'BigBuckBunny_4s_onDemand_2014_05_09.mpd'
  3. Using a bogus provisioning session id, i.e. anything except the provisioning session id returned by the m1-session command, perform a GET request on the interface URL.

    For example, if the provisioning session id is 0c5cc9e6-a6dd-41ed-ae90-e781c44d0f0c, then for this test we use a provisioning session id string that does not match that id.

    Example command using does-not-exist as a provisioning session id:

    curl -v ''

    Expected result:

    > GET /3gpp-m5/v2/service-access-information/does-not-exist HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.85.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    < Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 14:47:26 GMT
    < Connection: close
    < Content-Type: application/problem+json
    < Content-Length: 208
        "type":	"/3gpp-m5/v2",
        "title":	"Provisioning Session not found",
        "status":	404,
        "detail":	"Provisioning Session [does-not-exist] not found.",
        "instance":	"/service-access-information/does-not-exist"

    Note: There may also be additional HTTP library information lines output by curl starting with a * character interspersed with the output.

    The HTTP response is a 404 status code with the body containing a ProblemDetail JSON object.

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