var sakura = new SakuraCanvas({OPTIONS_HERE});
sakura.init(); // make <canvas> & petals
container.appendChild(sakura.getCanvas()); // insert canvas into document
sakura.animate(); // start animation
canvasClassName: 'ec-sakura-canvas', // canvas classname
canvasWidth: 800, // canvas width
canvasHeight: 600, // canvas height
framerate: 20, // animation frame rate
maxChips: 24, // maximum number of petals
shadowColor: '#DE8397', // shadow color
shadowBlur: 2, // shadow blur
maxDepth: 250, // maximum depth of field
minDepth: 0, // minimum depth of field
baseDepth: 50, // base depth of field
baseSize: 4.5, // base size of petals
baseSpeedX: 0.8, // base horizontal speed of petals
baseSpeedY: 1.6, // base vertical speed of petals
minAlpha: 0.5, // minimum opacity (aka. alpha channel)
maxAlpha: 1, // maximum opacity
chipColor: {r: 235, g: 178, b: 180} // petals' color (rgb, [0, 255])