A Tic Tac Toe web app that was developed using React and Firebase along with Webpack. You can play either locally in one browser window or online across two browser windows.
- Have hosting players enter a name for the game to be hosted
- Allow players to see available sessions
- Add Flash Messages
- Follow the Game Status which indicates if it is X's turn or O's turn
- You can Quit from the Game Mode at any time during the game
- You can also choose to Restart the game when finished
- Once this game mode has been selected you will have to wait for a player to join your game
NOTE: You will need to provide the Session ID to the player that is to join your game
- Once a player has joined, the Game Status will indicates if it is X's turn or O's turn
- You can Quit from the Game Mode at any time before or after the game has started
NOTE: This will quit the game for the other player as well
- You can also choose to Restart the game when you are finished, being the Host
NOTE: This will restart the game for the other player as well
- Once this game mode has been selected, use a Session ID that has been provided by another player to join a game
NOTE: You must enter a valid Session ID otherwise you will receive an alert indicating that it was incorrect
- Once you have joined a game, the Game Status will indicates if it is X's turn or O's turn
- You can Quit from the Game Mode at any time once the game has started
NOTE: This will quit the game for the other player as well