A dependency client that handles JWT auth in apps using the Swift Composable Architecture (TCA).
The library uses the default keychain via the SimpleKeychain
If you want to use a different keychain, you can achieve that via prepareDependencies
, for instance in the initializer of your App
init() {
prepareDependencies {
$0.simpleKeychain = SimpleKeychain(...)
A liveValue
of the JWTAuthClient
is required.
extension JWTAuthClient: DependencyKey {
static let liveValue = Self(
baseURL: {
// Your base URL here
refresh: { token in
// Your refresh logic here
Once defined, you can use the following methods:
public func sendAuthenticated<T>(...) async throws -> T where T: Decodable
public func sendAuthenticated<Success, Failure>(...) async throws -> Result<Success, Failure>
where Success: Decodable, Failure: Decodable
The refreshExpiredToken
parameter is used to determine if the client should retry the request if the token is expired.
If set to false
, the client forwards the server error if the token is expired.
The AuthTokensClient
is a client that handles the auth tokens via one of the following methods:
public var save: @Sendable (AuthTokens) async throws -> Void
public var load: @Sendable () async throws -> AuthTokens?
public var destroy: @Sendable () async throws -> Void
You can access the current cached session using the @Shared(.sessionTokens)
Unless you call the refreshExpiredTokens
method on the JWTAuthClient
you need to manually call the load
method of AuthTokensClient
to load the tokens.
The KeychainClient
is a client that handles the keychain via one of the following methods:
public var save: @Sendable (_ value: String, _ as: Keys) async throws -> Void
public var load: @Sendable (_ key: Keys) async -> String?
public var delete: @Sendable (_ key: Keys) async -> Void
public var reset: @Sendable () async -> Void