Email to Gotify notification
A fork of email2pb
This simple script allows to redirect mail input (from postfix, for example) from a certain mail address to a Gotify notification. Useful to send pushes from sources which are able to send email only.
Let's imagine that we want to redirect all emails sent to to your Gotify account (and therefore to your mobile devices).
These instructions below were tested on Debian 11, Python 3.9. Requires pycurl
(apt-get install python3-pycurl python2-htm2text
or python3 -m pip install pycurl html2text
First, create shell script which will contain email2gotify call and an API key. If you will directly specify python script with a API key in aliases file - this'll be a major security hole. So our script will be something like this:
/usr/bin/python3 /var/spool/postfix/email2gotify/ --key YOUR_GOTIFY_TOKEN --url YOUR_GOTIFY_ROOT_URL
Let's name it...umm... /var/spool/postfix/email2gotifyemail2gotify
And make it executable:
chmod +x /var/spool/postfix/email2gotify/email2gotify
Why there? My example was tested in Debian, and postfix's home dir on Ubuntu is /var/spool/postfix Remember, postfix should be able to acces your script.
Open /etc/aliases file and append a line there:
push: |/var/spool/postfix/email2gotify/email2gotify
Save the file and execute newaliases
Send email to and, if it didn't work, check /var/log/mail.log
Thats it.