#before you proceed please import mysql database -test.sql
How To Use : (1) Download /Clone Download this repository and Copy it into your System or You Can clone it by using the following command git clone
(2) Go to terminal and navigate through that folder/ Directory then type node index.js if You are using Nodmon Type nodemon index.js NodeMon help to restart server each time when make changes on the file it detects all the changes as restarts the server automatically when any changes occured.
(3) Guide to Register User You can use any user friendly request maker like POSTMAN (that I'm using) go to postmaninterface and type http://localhost:8012/api/register in address bar also add body with UserName and Password then cllick on send button
(4) Guide to Login User go to postmaninterface and type http://localhost:8012/api/authenticate in address bar also add body with UserName and Password then cllick on send button
(5) Guide Add Book
go to postmaninterface and type
in address bar also add body with BookName and author then cllick on send button
(6) To Delete Book go to postmaninterface and type ## Make Sure for above request You have select request type = DELETE http://localhost:8012/api/deletebook in address bar also add body with BookName then cllick on send button
(7) Logout go to postmaninterface and type ## Make Sure for above request You have select request type = POST http://localhost:8012/api/logout in address bar also add body with UserName and Password then cllick on send button