Modify xcodeproj via the YAML configuration file
Dependence: xcodeproj
Command line: ruby xcodeproj_config.rb.rb XCDPEPROJ_PATH CONFIG_FILE
ruby xcodeproj_config.rb.rb '/Users/jerry/Desktop/XcodProjTest/Test.xcodeproj' Example.yaml
project: # Setup build setting to sepcified target
LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS: # Name of setting
- $(inherited) # Value of `LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS` for all configuration
- TestPaht
targets: # Setup build setting to sepcified target
XcodProjTest: # target name
LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS: # Name of setting
Debug: # Value of `LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS` for debug configuration
- $(inherited)
- Test
ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH: NO # Value of `ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH` for release configuration
test_script: "echo 1233" # Add run script phase to all target
test_script_1: # Name of run script name
- XcodProjTest # Add run script phase to specified target
script: "echo 1233"
add_resources: # Add resources file to project
- "/Users/jerry/Desktop/XcodProjTest/BuildSetting.yaml"
- tragets: # Add resources file to specified target
- XcodProjTest
file: "/Users/jerry/Desktop/XcodProjTest/BuildSetting.json"
add_source: # Add sources file
- "/Users/jerry/Desktop/XcodProjTest/aa.c" # Add source file to all target
- tragets:
- XcodProjTest # Add source file to specified target
file: "/Users/jerry/Desktop/XcodProjTest/bb.c"