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Microsoft Security Identity Customer Experience Engineering (CxE)

Popular repositories Loading

  1. fastapi_microsoft_identity fastapi_microsoft_identity Public

    Python 41 18

  2. SecureSwaggerWithAAD SecureSwaggerWithAAD Public

    Jupyter Notebook 24

  3. SecureAzureFunctionMiW SecureAzureFunctionMiW Public

    Jupyter Notebook 19 3

  4. DotNetConfSecureAPI DotNetConfSecureAPI Public

    C# 15 6

  5. BlazorServerAuthWithSAML BlazorServerAuthWithSAML Public

    HTML 14 1

  6. MinimalWeather MinimalWeather Public

    Forked from halter73/MinimalWeather

    Jupyter Notebook 12 5


Showing 10 of 59 repositories

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