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proxy configs pagination: e2e tests
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eguzki committed Mar 20, 2023
1 parent ae2609f commit 5987933
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Showing 8 changed files with 269 additions and 160 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions gateway/src/apicast/configuration_loader/remote_v2.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ local proxy_configs_per_page = function(http_client, portal_endpoint, host, env,
return nil, err

ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'proxy configs get status: ', res.status, ' url: ', url)
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'proxy configs get status: ', res.status, ' url: ', url, ' body: ', res.body)

if res and res.status == 200 and res.body then
local ok, res = pcall(cjson.decode, res.body)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ local services_per_page = function(http_client, portal_endpoint, page, per_page)
return nil, err

ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'services get status: ', res.status, ' url: ', url)
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, 'services get status: ', res.status, ' url: ', url, ' body: ', res.body)

if res.status == 200 then
local ok, res = pcall(cjson.decode, res.body)
Expand Down
29 changes: 1 addition & 28 deletions t/configuration-loading-boot-remote.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,34 +42,7 @@ GET /t
--- exit_code: 200
=== TEST 2: lazy load configuration from remote account/proxy_configs
endpoint should load that configuration and not fail
--- main_config
env PATH;
--- http_config
lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_LUA_PATH";
--- config
location = /t {
content_by_lua_block {
local loader = require('apicast.configuration_loader.remote_v2')
local body = assert(loader:call(""))
location = /admin/api/account/proxy_configs/foobar.json {
echo '{}';
--- request
GET /t
--- expected_json
--- exit_code: 200
=== TEST 3: retrieve config with liquid values
=== TEST 2: retrieve config with liquid values
should not fail
--- main_config
Expand Down
68 changes: 27 additions & 41 deletions t/configuration-loading-filter-services-by-url.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ __DATA__
--- error_code eval
[200, 404]

=== TEST 2: multi service configuration limited with Regexp Filter with paginated service list
This test is configured to provide 3 pages of services. On each page, there is one service "one-*"
=== TEST 2: Regexp Filter with paginated proxy config list
This test is configured to provide 3 pages of proxy configs. On each page, there is one service "one-*"
which is valid according to the filter by url. The test will do one request to each valid service.
--- env eval
--- upstream env
location = /admin/api/services.json {
location /admin/api/account/proxy_configs/production.json {
content_by_lua_block {
local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args(0)
local page = 1
Expand All @@ -78,48 +78,34 @@ location = /admin/api/services.json {
per_page = tonumber(args.per_page)

local services_per_page = {}
for i = (page - 1)*per_page + 1,math.min(page*per_page, 1256)
table.insert(services_per_page, {service = { id = i }})
-- this test is designed for pages of 500 items
require('luassert').equals(500, per_page)
require('luassert').is_true(1 <= page and page < 4)

local function build_proxy_config(service_id, host)
return { proxy_config = {
content = { id = service_id, backend_version = 1,
proxy = {
hosts = { host },
api_backend = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT/api/',
backend = { endpoint = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT' },
proxy_rules = { { pattern = '/', http_method = 'GET', metric_system_name = 'test', delta = 1 } }

require('luassert').True(#services_per_page <= per_page)
local configs_per_page = {}

local response = { services = services_per_page }
ngx.header.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'

location ~ /admin/api/services/\d+/proxy/configs/production/latest.json {
content_by_lua_block {
local proxy_config = {
content = { id = 1, backend_version = 1,
proxy = {
hosts = { 'two' },
api_backend = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT/api/',
backend = { endpoint = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT' },
proxy_rules = { { pattern = '/', http_method = 'GET', metric_system_name = 'test', delta = 1 } }
local host_map = { [1] = 'one-1', [501] = 'one-501', [1001] = 'one-1001' }

if( ngx.var.uri == '/admin/api/services/1/proxy/configs/production/latest.json' )
then = 1
proxy_config.content.proxy.hosts = { 'one-1' }
elseif( ngx.var.uri == '/admin/api/services/500/proxy/configs/production/latest.json' )
then = 500
proxy_config.content.proxy.hosts = { 'one-500' }
elseif( ngx.var.uri == '/admin/api/services/1000/proxy/configs/production/latest.json' )
then = 1000
proxy_config.content.proxy.hosts = { 'one-1000' }
for i = (page - 1)*per_page + 1,math.min(page*per_page, 1256)
local host = host_map[i] or 'two'
table.insert(configs_per_page, build_proxy_config(i, host))

local response = { proxy_config = proxy_config }
local response = { proxy_configs = configs_per_page }
ngx.header.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
Expand All @@ -137,7 +123,7 @@ location /transactions/authrep.xml {
--- pipelined_requests eval
["GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=2"]
--- more_headers eval
["Host: one-1","Host: one-500","Host: one-1000","Host: two"]
["Host: one-1","Host: one-501","Host: one-1001","Host: two"]
--- response_body eval
["yay, api backend\n","yay, api backend\n","yay, api backend\n",""]
--- error_code eval
Expand Down
116 changes: 47 additions & 69 deletions t/configuration-loading-from-service-list.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,81 +230,56 @@ my $jwt = encode_jwt(payload => {
--- no_error_log
=== TEST 4: load a config where only some of the services have an OIDC configuration
This is a regression test. APIcast crashed when loading a config where only
some of the services used OIDC.
The reason is that we created an array of OIDC configs with
size=number_of_services. Let's say we have 100 services and only the 50th has an
OIDC config. In this case, we created this Lua table:
{ [50] = oidc_config_here }.
The problem is that cjson raises an error when trying to convert a sparse array
like that into JSON. Using the default cjson configuration, the minimum number
of elements to reproduce the error is 11. So in this test, we create 11 services
and assign an OIDC config only to the last one. Check
for more details.
Now we assign to _false_ the elements of the array that do not have an OIDC
config, so this test should not crash.
=== TEST 4: servide list filter with paginated proxy config list
This test is configured to provide 3 pages of proxy configs. On each page, there is only one service
which is valid according to the filter by service list. The test will do one request to each valid service.
--- env eval
'APICAST_SERVICES_LIST' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11',
'APICAST_SERVICES_LIST' => '1,501,1001',
--- upstream env
location ~ /admin/api/services/([0-9]|10)/proxy/configs/production/latest.json {
echo '
"proxy_config": {
"content": {
"id": 1,
"backend_version": 1,
"proxy": {
"api_backend": "http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT/api/",
"backend": {
"endpoint": "http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT"
"proxy_rules": [
"pattern": "/",
"http_method": "GET",
"metric_system_name": "test",
"delta": 1
location /admin/api/account/proxy_configs/production.json {
content_by_lua_block {
local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args(0)
local page = 1
if then
page = tonumber(
local per_page = 500
if args.per_page then
per_page = tonumber(args.per_page)
-- this test is designed for pages of 500 items
require('luassert').equals(500, per_page)
require('luassert').is_true(1 <= page and page < 4)
local function build_proxy_config(service_id, host)
return { proxy_config = {
content = { id = service_id, backend_version = 1,
proxy = {
hosts = { host },
api_backend = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT/api/',
backend = { endpoint = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT' },
proxy_rules = { { pattern = '/', http_method = 'GET', metric_system_name = 'test', delta = 1 } }
location = /admin/api/services/11/proxy/configs/production/latest.json {
echo '{ "proxy_config": { "content": { "proxy": { "oidc_issuer_endpoint": "http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT/issuer/endpoint" } } } }';
local configs_per_page = {}
location = /issuer/endpoint/.well-known/openid-configuration {
content_by_lua_block {
local base = "http://" .. .. ':' .. ngx.var.server_port
ngx.header.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
ngx.say(require('cjson').encode {
issuer = '',
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported = { 'RS256' },
jwks_uri = base .. '/jwks',
for i = (page - 1)*per_page + 1,math.min(page*per_page, 1256)
table.insert(configs_per_page, build_proxy_config(i, 'one-'..tostring(i)))
location = /jwks {
content_by_lua_block {
local response = { proxy_configs = configs_per_page }
ngx.header.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
{ "keys": [
{ "kty":"RSA","kid":"somekid",
"n":"sKXP3pwND3rkQ1gx9nMb4By7bmWnHYo2kAAsFD5xq0IDn26zv64tjmuNBHpI6BmkLPk8mIo0B1E8MkxdKZeozQ","e":"AQAB" }
] }
Expand All @@ -314,11 +289,14 @@ location /api/ {
--- backend
location /transactions/authrep.xml {
content_by_lua_block { ngx.exit(200) }
content_by_lua_block { ngx.exit(200) }
--- request
GET /?user_key=uk
--- error_code: 200
--- response_body
yay, api backend
--- pipelined_requests eval
["GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=2"]
--- more_headers eval
["Host: one-1","Host: one-501","Host: one-1001","Host: one-2"]
--- response_body eval
["yay, api backend\n","yay, api backend\n","yay, api backend\n",""]
--- error_code eval
[200, 200, 200, 404]
77 changes: 73 additions & 4 deletions t/configuration-loading-lazy.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ should just say service is not found
--- upstream
location /admin/api/account/proxy_configs/production.json {
content_by_lua_block {
expected = "host=localhost&version=latest"
require('luassert').same(ngx.decode_args(expected), ngx.req.get_uri_args(0))
local expected = { host = 'localhost', version = 'latest', page = '1', per_page = '500' }
require('luassert').same(expected, ngx.req.get_uri_args(0))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ should correctly route the request
--- upstream env
location = /admin/api/account/proxy_configs/production.json {
content_by_lua_block {
expected = "host=localhost&version=latest"
require('luassert').same(ngx.decode_args(expected), ngx.req.get_uri_args(0))
local expected = { host = 'localhost', version = 'latest', page = '1', per_page = '500' }
require('luassert').same(expected, ngx.req.get_uri_args(0))

local response = {
proxy_configs = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,3 +160,72 @@ OIDC url is not valid, uri:
--- no_error_log

=== TEST 6: Load paginated proxy config list
This test is configured to provide 3 pages of proxy configs.
The test will try requests with hostnames existing a different pages
--- env eval
--- upstream env
location /admin/api/account/proxy_configs/production.json {
content_by_lua_block {
local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args(0)
local page = 1
if then
page = tonumber(
local per_page = 500
if args.per_page then
per_page = tonumber(args.per_page)

-- this test is designed for pages of 500 items
require('luassert').equals(500, per_page)
require('luassert').is_true(1 <= page and page < 4)

local function build_proxy_config(service_id, host)
return { proxy_config = {
content = { id = service_id, backend_version = 1,
proxy = {
hosts = { host },
api_backend = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT/api/',
backend = { endpoint = 'http://test:$TEST_NGINX_SERVER_PORT' },
proxy_rules = { { pattern = '/', http_method = 'GET', metric_system_name = 'test', delta = 1 } }

local configs_per_page = {}

for i = (page - 1)*per_page + 1,math.min(page*per_page, 1256)
table.insert(configs_per_page, build_proxy_config(i, 'one-'..tostring(i)))

local response = { proxy_configs = configs_per_page }
ngx.header.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'

location /api/ {
echo 'yay, api backend';

--- backend
location /transactions/authrep.xml {
content_by_lua_block { ngx.exit(200) }

--- pipelined_requests eval
["GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=1","GET /?user_key=1"]
--- more_headers eval
["Host: one-1","Host: one-501","Host: one-1001"]
--- response_body eval
["yay, api backend\n","yay, api backend\n","yay, api backend\n"]
--- error_code eval
[200, 200, 200]

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