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A Symfony Bundle to integrate thephpleague/period into Doctrine and Symfony Form


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Period Bundle

Symfony Bundle - AndanteProject

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A Symfony Bundle to integrate thephpleague/period into Doctrine and Symfony Form.


Symfony 4.x-5.x and PHP 7.4.


Via Composer:

$ composer require andanteproject/period-bundle


  • Persist Period, Duration and Sequence on your DB;
  • Persist Period as a JSON field or a doctrine embeddable object effortless (and it is allowed to be null!!).
  • Doctrine DQL functions.
  • Use Period in Symfony Forms its Form Type;
  • Works like magic ✨.

Basic usage

After install, make sure you have the bundle registered in your symfony bundles list (config/bundles.php):

return [
    /// bundles...
    Andante\PeriodBundle\AndantePeriodBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    /// bundles...

This should have been done automagically if you are using Symfony Flex. Otherwise, just register it by yourself.

Doctrine Mapping

The bundle is going to register period, duration and sequence doctrine types to allow you to map Period , Duration and Sequence objects to the database.


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use League\Period\Duration;
use League\Period\Period;
use League\Period\Sequence;

 * @ORM\Entity()
class Meeting
     * @ORM\Column(type="period", nullable=true)
    private ?Period $period = null;
     * @ORM\Column(type="duration", nullable=true)
    private ?Duration $duration = null;
     * @ORM\Column(type="sequence", nullable=true)
    private ?Sequence $sequence = null;

These types are going to create a JSON field on your database. If you want Period to have a column for startDate and a separate column for endDate, check the Embeddable mapping down below.

Embeddable Period Mapping


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use League\Period\Period;

 * @ORM\Entity()
class Meeting
     * @ORM\Embedded(class="League\Period\Period", columnPrefix="period_")
    private ?Period $period = null;

This is going to create 3 different columns on your database like period_start_date, period_end_date and period_boundary_type instead of a JSON field. If you want to use some different names for yout mapping, check the configuration of this bundle. ⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Doctrine v2 does not allow Embedded Classes to be null. It's a feature expected in Doctrine v3. But, with some magic under the hood, this bundle allows you to use nullable Period anyway. 👍

Doctrine DQL Functions

No matter the kind of mapping you are using for your Period (type or embedded), you can use these DQL functions to access Period properties:

  • PERIOD_START_DATE() to access period.startDate, like PERIOD_START_DATE(meeting.period);
  • PERIOD_END_DATE() to access period.endDate, like PERIOD_END_DATE(meeting.period);
  • PERIOD_BOUNDARY_TYPE() to access period.boundaryType, like PERIOD_BOUNDARY_TYPE(meeting.period).

Period Form Type

Use Andante\PeriodBundle\Form\PeriodType as a Form like you are used to. This bundle is shipped with no form theme, so it's up to you to build your form theme.



use Andante\PeriodBundle\Form\PeriodType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class EventType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('name', Type\TextType::class)
            ->add('period', PeriodType::class)

PeriodType Options


type: string default: [), allowed values: [), (], (), [] which boundary type to be used if none has been selected via boundary_type_choice.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'default_boundary_type' => '()',


type: bool default: false Whether to include or not a BoundaryTypeChoiceType to let the user to choice the BoundaryType. This is false by default. To change which boundary type should be use to create the Period, check out default_boundary_type option.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'boundary_type_choice' => true,


type: string default: start How form child handling startDate property should be called.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'start_date_child_name' => 'custom_start_date_form_child_name',


type: string default: end How form child handling endDate property should be called.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'end_date_child_name' => 'custom_end_date_form_child_name',


type: string default: boundary

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'boundary_type_child_name' => 'custom_boundary_type_form_child_name',

How form child handling boundaryType property should be called.


type: string default: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateTimeType Which form type to be used for startDate property. You can replace it with something custom.

use App\Form\MyDateTimeType;

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'start_date_form_type' => MyDateTimeType::class,


type: string default: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateTimeType Which form type to be used for endDate property. You can replace it with something custom.

use App\Form\MyDateTimeType;

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'end_date_form_type' => MyDateTimeType::class,


type: array default: [] Additional options to be used for the startDate form child.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'start_date_options' => [
        'label' => 'A different Label',
        // + whatever option allowed by DateTimeType


type: array default: [] Additional options to be used for the endDate form child.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'end_date_options' => [
        'label' => 'A different Label',
        // + whatever option allowed by DateTimeType


type: array default: [] Additional options to be used for the boundaryType form child.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'boundary_type_options' => [
        'label' => 'A different Label',
        // + whatever option allowed by Andante\PeriodBundle\Form\BoundaryTypeChoiceType


type: bool default: true Additional options to be used for the boundaryType form child.

$builder->add('period', PeriodType::class, [
    'allow_null' => false,
    // Allow to trigger an error when your Period property is not nullable.

Configuration (completely optional)

This bundle is build thinking how to save you time and follow best practices as close as possible.

This means you can even ignore to have a andante_period.yml config file in your application.

However, for whatever reason, use the bundle configuration to change most of the behaviors as your needs.

        start_date_column_name: start_date # default: null
          # Column name to be used on database for startDate property. 
        # If set to NULL will use your default doctrine naming strategy
        end_date_column_name: end_date # default: null
          # Column name to be used on database for endDate property. 
        # If set to NULL will use your default doctrine naming strategy
        boundary_type_column_name: boundary_type # default: null
          # Column name to be used on database for update boundaryType property. 
        # If set to NULL will use your default doctrine naming strategy
      entity: # You can use per-entity configuration to override default config
          start_date_column_name: starting_at
          end_date_column_name: ending_at
          start_date_column_name: start
          end_date_column_name: end

Built with love ❤️ by AndanteProject team.


A Symfony Bundle to integrate thephpleague/period into Doctrine and Symfony Form







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