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Rails Cheat Sheet

Colin Hart edited this page Oct 27, 2016 · 4 revisions

Rails commands cheat sheet

Rails ENV commands

$rails new <app_name_api> --api -d postgresql to create a new rails api w/ pg

$rails -T to show a list of all the various rails commands

$rails server to start the rails server (shorthand: $rails s)

$rails console to start a REPL that let's you interact with the database using Active Record (shorthand: $rails c)

Rails Migration/Database Commands:

$rails db:create creates you pg database based on the name of your Rails app

$rails generate migration <VerbNoun>, creates a migration, a script that writes sql to add, update, or remove tables from your DB (can shorten generate to g

$rails db:migrate runs the migrations files you've generated to add, update or remove tables from your DB

$rails db:rollback you only get one do-over, this command will undo your most recent migration.

$rails db:drop drops all data from the database, you'll need to run rails db:create after this.

$rails db:seed run the code in the seed file, used to populate your database

Rails Routing commands:

$rails routes lists all available routes in a tabular format