Example files for https://github.com/3Dickulus/FragM
Note: frags marked user@hex have been submitted by said user, either based on an existing frag or original code, said user is responsible for the contents of corresponding frags. frags not marked that way are from the original (before this repo) distribution.
Licensed and distributed under the LPGL or GPL license where applicable.
Notice: some fragment (GLSL) shaders are copyright by other authors,
and may carry other licenses. Please check the fragment file header before
Much of the inspiration and formulas for Fragmentarium came from the community
at FractalForums.com, including Tom Beddard, Jan Kadlec, Iñigo Quilez, Buddhi,
Jesse, and others. Special thanks goes out to Knighty and Kali for their great
fragments and claude for all the help with improvements. All fragments should
include information about their origins - please notify me, if I have made any
This software is provided as is with NO WARRANTY.
That's right: not even if the software is loaded with viruses or crashes your
hard-drive, can the author(s) be held responsible. We would never intentionally
include malware in the distribution, but we do not control the servers hosting
the software, and will not make any guarantees.
If you do not like this, do not run the software.
If you are okay with this, feel free to run the software on any number of
computers and use it any way you want to.
If you do modify or redistribute this software make sure you respect the
included GPL license (license.txt).
If you found that this EULA did not exactly ease your mind and you are worried
about running this software, here are a few general suggestions:
(1) Run the software in a sandboxed environment.
(VM-Ware Player provides excellent and free virtualization)
(2) Do not run as administrator, but as a non-privileged user.
(3) Compile the sources yourself.
(4) Check the MD5/SHA1 checksums to see if the files have been tampered with.
(5) Search Google to see if anyone has experienced problems with the software.