Visit the 34 Fame website for a current portfolio.
- RapidIdentity JavaScript SDK
Simplifies use of RapidIdentity API
- Conflux
Confluence clone
- Gojira
Jira Clone
- TFT Trait Randomizer
My first mobile app to be published in the Apple App Store. If you play TFT (League of Legends) you should check it out.
- Reminder Scheduler
Create simple or complex reminders with recurring rules
- CRT Terminal Emulator
Fun project that "boots" up a CRT (circa-1980's) terminal in the browser and lets you run commands
- ez-crud-api
Simple but flexible REST API with pre-built CRUD endpoints and a local JSON database. Great for front-end developers when developing prototypes.
- quasar-mobile-auth0-firebase
Starter kit for Quasar Framework with built-in support for Auth0 and Firebase. Project is corodova-friendly.
- vue-xstate-auth0
Implements a finite-state machine (XState library) to manage lifecycle of authentication. Integrates with Auth0 services.
- node-cli-sandbox
Demonstrates building a command-line app using Node.js. Publish to NPM to easily install as a global package.
- @34fame/validator
Form field validator for React
- @34fame/rijs
RapidIdentity JavaScript SDK
- The Missing Chapter for Building Applications on Firebase
- Add Real-Time Updates to Your Vue App
- Add Dynamic Forms to Your Vue App
- Add Recurring Rules for Calendar Dates to Your Application
- Add Embedded Google Maps to Your Application
This is my current list of frameworks and tools I'm using to build full-stack applications.