Releases: 2KAbhishek/tdo
Completion Support
tdo now supports basic tab completion for commands and options. This is a small but useful feature that can help you better navigate your notes.
To use this, follow the update instructions on readme.
What's Changed
- Add basic tab completion support by @2KAbhishek in #12
Full Changelog: 1.9...2.0
Find or Create note
tdo 1.9: Find or Create note
Now tdo can open an existing note when you run tdo note-name
, earlier it was always creating a new note.
This will help save time by skipping tdo find
and also avoid creating duplicate notes.
Full Changelog: 1.8...1.9
This release adds a new feature for vim and neovim users:
When opening a file after searching for pending todos with tdo -t
vim/neovim will open the file with all pending todos highlighted.
You can then navigate pending todos with n/N
This release also fixes an issue where tdo was not changing directory to root for some operations, thanks to @idr4n for raising issue #7
This release focuses on usability and maintainability
- Docs has a separate section for git integration
- tdo has fail safes for missing env variables
- Code refactor on tdo and install scripts
- Added automated installation script
to make installation super simple! - Added a commit option for quick commits from external sources
- Better templates
- Updated docs
Integration Support
Offset Support
Now easily edit past and future todos with offset support
# opens today's todo
# opens tommorow's todo
tdo 1
# open today's journal entry
tdo e
# opens day before yesterday's journal entry
tdo e -2