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Ultimate Dev Setup for Mac OS πŸš€πŸŽ


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Ultimate Dev Setup for Mac OS πŸš€πŸŽ

mac2k in action
mac2k in action

mac2k is a set of handcrafted configs for setting up a complete dev environment on Mac OS.

It makes developing on Mac much more pleasant for CLI lovers.

✨ Features

  • Sets up a complete dev environment within minutes
  • Sets up brew and installs essential packages with Brewfile
  • Configures optimal settings for developers
  • All the power and tools provider by dots2k
  • Powerful personalized editing with nvim2k
  • Keyboard driven browsing support with qute2k
  • Tiling window management with Aerospace
  • More!!


πŸš€ Installation

git clone
cd mac2k


This will install all necessary packages, symlinks and setup symlinks for you.

To manually run steps from dots2k setup you can run

πŸ’» Usage


I also set up some keybindings manually, you can find them in the following docs.

Hint: Cmd = ⌘/Command/Windows, Opt = βŒ₯/Option/Alt, Ctrl = βŒƒ/Control, fn = Function


This also comes with a bunch of mac aliases in dots2k shell/ to make your life easier.

  • aerr, aert, aerc for aeropace reload config, toggle and editing config
  • bri, brr, brc, brs, bru to brew install, uninstall, cleanup, search, update respectively
  • macdis to disable mac's internal display, useful when using external display, needs restart to re-enable

Other Configs

For most tools I'm symlinking configs over from dots2k.

Setting up iTerm

I use Alacritty as my default terminal now

Run iTerm and open "Preferences", Go to "Profiles" tab and click on "Other Actions" and then click on "Import JSON Profiles"

Select the ./configs/iterm/preofile.json file and import it.

You can also use the helper script to open iterm from terminal by symlinking it to your path and running iterm.

Tiling Window Management

I use Aerospace as my tiling window manager now

yabai and skhd together provide a tiling window management system for MacOS.

# Symlink yabai and skhd configs
ln -sfn "$PWD/config/.yabairc" "$HOME/"
ln -sfn "$PWD/config/.skhdrc" "$HOME/"

# Start yabai and skhd
yabai --start-service
skhd --start-service

# Add alias to restart yabai and skhd
alias macres="yabai --restart-service && skhd --restart-service"

Behind The Code

🌈 Inspiration

I am a big fan of CLI and Tiling WMs, MacOS by default doesn't provide a good solution for those, so I decided to configure my own.

πŸ’‘ Challenges/Learnings

  • Some hiccups with brew and services
  • Learned and implemented recursive git submodules

🧰 Tooling

  • dots2k β€” Personalized Dev Environment
  • nvim2k β€” Personalized Editor

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