flimflam is an email address validation library written in Clojure. It tests if a given email address conforms to the addr-spec specification as described in RFC 5322.
You can install flimflam from Clojars.
The locally interpreted string is either a quoted-string or a dot-atom. If quoted, it may contain whitespace and quoted (control) characters. flimflam doesn't support obsolete syntax (obs-local-part).
The following strings are valid email addresses:
- "John.Doe@example.org"
- "(nested (comment))John.Doe@example.org"
- "\"John\r\n Doe\"@example.org"
- "\"John@Doe\"@example.org"
- "\"\"@example.org"
The domain must be a hostname, a list of dot-separated (DNS) labels (see RFC 952, RFC 1035 and RFC 1123) or an IP address. Labels must not consist of all numeric values. IPv6 addresses with zone index (e.g. fe80::3dd0:7f8e:57b7:34d5%19) are not supported.
The following strings are valid email addresses:
- "john.doe@(comment)\r\n localhost"
- "john.doe@example.org."
- "john.doe@[]"
- "john.doe@[IPv6:2001:0db8::]"
flimflam.core/valid? and flimflam.core/invalid? test if an email address conforms to the addr-spec specification.
user=> (require '[flimflam.core :as ff])
user=> (ff/valid? "john.doe@[IPv6:::]")
user=> (ff/invalid? "@localhost")
flimflam.core/normalize converts email addresses to a uniform format. It
- removes unneccessary whitespace characters and comments.
- removes enclosing quotation marks from local-part when possible.
- normalizes IP addresses, hostnames and FQDNs.
Folding white space that occurs inside quoted-strings is interpreted as a single space character.
user=> (ff/normalize "john.doe@[IPv6:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7f00:0001]")
user=> (ff/normalize "john.doe@[IPv6:::]")
user=> (ff/normalize "john.doe@ExAmPlE.ORG.")
user=> (ff/normalize "john.doe@(hello world)example.org")
user=> (ff/normalize "john.doe @example.org")
user=> (ff/normalize "\"john\\.doe\"@example.org")
user=> (ff/normalize "\"john\t\r\n doe\"@example.org")
"\"john doe\"@example.org"