Hi, I'm 1nfocalypse. I'm a recent graduate, with a BS in Computer Science. I'm primarily interested in algorithm development, applied mathematics, security, and systems. I'm also a bit of a cyberpunk nerd. Currently working on multiple projects, including:
- Development of an Elliptic Curve based CSPRNG algorithm for use in a custom stream cipher
- ShangMi 4, AES, RSA, ElGamal, ECDLP implementations
- ShangMi 3, SHA256, and Keccak implementations
- The Traffic Throughput Optimization Project (almost done)
- Numerical Analysis Writeup
- Cryptography Writeup Problems/Solutions
- P2P E2E messaging client utilizing crypto that I've rolled
- Reason Preexploitation Framework
- Coding Theory Writeup + Examples?
- EnkiNum Numerical Analysis Library
- Automated network priority resolution standard for CANs
- Research on Fractionated Cavity Loaders utilizing Plausibly Deniable Encryption
- Research and (hopefully) implementation of Shpilrain's Algorithm, based on the undecidability of problems regarding the free word group in Combinatorial Group Theory
- Research on solutions to decentralized, anonymous, encrypted group messaging.
- Research on compression efficiency, particularly with regards to finding optimality for expected compression in number of symbols permitted via decompositional preprocessing