P2P Video Chat Application
Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in the browser.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The client opens the website and connects to the Express server
const socket = io("https://localhost:5000");
The browser asks for audio and video permissions
navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true }) .then((currentStream) => {
The client creates a PeerJS instance, a signaling server assign a peerID to it triggering .on("open") that emits a "wantToJoin" message to the Express server
myPeer = new Peer(undefined, { host: "localhost", port: 3001, path: "/", }); myPeer.on("open", (peerID) => { socket.emit("wantToJoin", peerID); });
The Express server receives the "wantToJoin" message and decides
If there are no available socket.io rooms it creates one, adds the client, puts the room in a queue of available rooms and waits
If there is an available room, so if there is a user alone in a room waiting to connect with another user, the server joins the client to that room, makes the room unavailable and then sends to the user already in the room a "new member" message with the peer id of the new member
socket.on("wantToJoin", (peerID) => { //If there is a room with a place left if (available_rooms.length > 0) { //Get a room from the queue, removing it //from the list let available_room = available_rooms.shift(); //Join the room and send to the host a "new_member" socket.to(available_room).emit("new_member", peerID); socket.join(available_room, () => {}); room = available_room; } //If the server must create a new room else { //Creates a new room and set the user //as host let new_room = uuidv4(); available_rooms.push(new_room); socket.join(new_room, () => {}); room = new_room; }
The other client receives the "new_member" message with the new user peer id and starts a P2P call
socket.on("new_member", (strangerPeerID) => { const call = myPeer.call(strangerPeerID, currentStream); call.on("stream", (userVideoStream) => { setUserVideoReady(() => true); userVideo.current.srcObject = userVideoStream; }); //If the call closes call.on("close", () => { setUserVideoReady(() => false); setUserVideoReady(() => false); window.location.reload(); }); peers[strangerPeerID] = call; });
When the first client receives the call, the video WebRTC stream starts
myPeer.on("call", (call) => { call.answer(currentStream); call.on("stream", (userVideoStream) => { setUserVideoReady(() => true); userVideo.current.srcObject = userVideoStream; }); });