A personal store to "promote and sell" my art
For this project, I created an online store that could eventually be used to
sell art that I create. I love to draw and have thought about creating pieces
to sell, so I figured this would be a great project to start my portfolio.
The website allows users to browse for items via a category system,
or directly search for items that are stored in the website's database. They are also
able to register and log into the website, as well as add and remove items from their cart.
Because the website is unfinished, there is no way for a user to checkout and buy the items.
Resources Used
-Python 3
The repo "ArtSite-SourceCode" is slightly different from the repo "ArtSite-Deployed". The
deployed repo is private because it holds sensitive information within the settings file.
Besides the settings.py file, the two projects are the same.
Check out feature
Implement the checkout page so users can actually place an order -
Better Search System Implement a better way to query the database for items
Potentially use AI to predict / allow for incorrect spelling -
Better cart system
Associate the cart with a specific user, rather than just a list
This would make it easier for handling multiple requests -
More items and categories
Add more content to the store
Use my own content / products -
More custom CSS
Add more of my own CSS to stylize the site more
Right now it uses very basic bootstrap -
Utilize the login / registration
Take advantage of the login and registration for the user to checkout, have their own specific cart etc. -
Better images
Use more consistently sized and styled pictures to make the spacing or theme of the site more cohesive
Use photoshop to make the images look nicer or remove backgrounds -
Add a feature so the user can change the settings of the app. Some settings could include:
-Dark/Light Mode
-View/Change User Information
@Author: Riley Radle
Check out my socials!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riley_radle/
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/radle2279/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/riley-radle-00a4a0184/