WARNING: Playing FPL can be highly adictive.
The purpose of the Advisor Jupyter notebook is to help with the selection of team members for the Fantasy Premier League (FPL) by attempting to forecast how many points players will earn.
It provides visual analysis and uses linear optimisation to recommend a team with the maximum expected points to improve the performance of your current team.
The underlying data comes the fpl-data project which in turn gets it from the FPL API. The data is updated on an hourly basis.
If you are not familiar with the Fantasy Premier League, you can watch this introduction:
To use the FPL Advisor Jupyter notebook interactively, simply open the advisor.ipynb notebook on (it may take a bit of time to deploy the notebook).
Alternatively, simply clone the repository and open advisor.ipynb locally.
Here is a screenshot of the interactive chart for analysing players:
And you can use the optimiser for selecting the best players for a wildcard/free hit or recommending transfers for your team:
To explore the FPL data using a neural network, train_nn_model.ipynb notebook on .
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Run the tests with
python -m unittest discover -s tests/unit
to confirm they all pass on your system. If the tests fail, then try and find out why this is happening. If you aren't able to do this yourself, then don't hesitate to either create an issue on GitHub, send an email to py@177arc.net. - Either create your feature and then write tests for it, or do this the other way around.
- Run all tests again with with
python -m unittest discover -s tests/unit
to confirm that everything still passes, including your newly added test(s). - Create a pull request for the main repository's