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16n editor

The 16n editor allows you to edit the configuration of your 16n from within a web browser. It supports 16ns running firmware 2.0.0 and up.

The 16n editor is a Javascript app based around SvelteKit.

Here's a video walkthrough:

You can view a video overview of the editor functionality here.

Version 2.0.0 of the editor is a large overhaul, with a few goals:

  • bring the codebase up-to-date with SvelteKit 1.x
  • replace Javascript with Typescript throughout
  • replace unpleasant attempts at object-orientation with a more ECMAScript-like code style, focused on modules exporting functions and POJOs.
  • replace confusing (an understatement) message-passing, and focus on a more SvelteKit like way of doing things: put functions into the modules or components calling them, directly manipulate stores, and assume stores are a global store of truth.

The result is a little more readable by most JS developers, and we gain a lot of convenience as well as belt/braces security from the move to Typescript.

Version 2.1.0 of the editor brings the project up to Svelte 5, and adds support for 14-bit MIDI CCs if the device has appropriate firmware.

Build Requirements

  • Node.js v22+ (LTS)
  • pnpm (preferred for performance, storage reasons.)

Usage Requirements

  • As a WebMIDI app, you need a client that can support it. That basically means Chrome right now.
  • A 16n running firmware v2.0.0 or higher, or a 16nx running firmware v3.0.0 or higher


pnpm install

Running the development environment

pnpm run dev

This will run a development environment at localhost:5173, with live reloading enabled.

By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost.

Building and running in production mode

To create an optimised version of the app:

pnpm run build

This will emit a production build, as a purely static site, to build/. You can run this version of the code with pnpm run preview.


The built site (in /build) is copied over to the 16n repository and deployed from there.

Code formatting

We use prettier for code formatting. From your local directory:

pnpm run format

will prettify the src/ directory. Code that fails Prettier's formatting standards will block merge at Github.

We're using a similar approach to the one Simon Willison describes here.

Code linting is handled with ESLint, and code must meet the Prettier formatting standards in order to lint:

pnpm run lint

Project Structure

  • the main page of the site is src/routes/+page.svelte. This performs basic WebMidi setup and hosts the two main "modes" of the site, represented as components src/routes/Viewing.svelte and src/routes/Editing.svelte. (These are stored within the 'route' directory as they're more like pages - supercomponents - than traditional Svelte components)
  • src/lib/components contains all components; these are all UI elements. In general, they will reach out directly to any stores they need to address.
  • src/lib/configuration.ts is a module exporting a set of functions for parsing and processing configuration data - generating a configuration POJO from a sysex array, comparing two configuration POJOs to see if they are identical.
  • src/lib/import_export.ts exports functions to request a user for a JSON file and load it as a config - and to take the current config and offer it as a downloadable file. (These functions are used by DOM element button components).
  • src/lib/logger.ts is a convenience function to log items to the console in development mode.
  • src/lib/state contains the various global reactive state objects that will be used throughout the application (see later)
  • src/lib/types.ts exports custom types used within the application: notably, individual Control items, and an entire ControllerConfiguration
  • src/lib/midi/midi.svelte.ts exports all the necessary functions to listen to MIDI ports as they connect/disconnect, request 16n configs from appropriate devices, and listen to individual events from the connected devices.
  • src/lib/midi/sysex.ts exports all the necessary functions to send the various System Exclusive messages a 16n supports.


We previously used Svelte Stores to store state and react to state change; as of Editor v2.1.0, we now use reactive state objects to do so.

src/lib/state contains two main .svelte.ts files for the two types of reactive data we want to know about: stuff to do with controller configuration, and stuff to do with MIDI I/O.

Inside the configuration stateful object, exported by src/lib/state/configuration.svelte.ts, there are a few key sub-objects:

  • configuration.current describes the current Configuration being shown in Viewing mode.
  • configuration.controllerMightNeedFactoryReset represents if the current 16n isn't quite configured right.
  • configuration.editing is the current configuration being edited in Editing mode.
  • configuration.editMode is a boolean representing if the editor is in Editing mode or not.

Inside the midiState stateful object, exported by src/lib/state/midi.svelte.ts, are:

  • midiState.inputs and midiState.outputs describes the currently connected MIDI input/output ports.
  • midiState.selectedInput and midiState.selectedOutput represent the actual port that's used to talk to a 16n.
  • midiState.webMidiEnabled is a boolean representing if the current browser supports WebMidi.

Reactive state can be used both in Svelte components and in .svelte.ts files.


Icons are from FontAwesome. FA Code is MIT licensed; font files are licensed under the SIL Open Font License.


Editor code, like the rest of 16n sourcecode, is released under the MIT License; see LICENSE for more details.