A CLI tool that uses Carthage dependency resolution and building to deliver pre-built dependencies through Rome Server
RomeBuild gives everyone the ability to store & reuse pre-built dependencies. To get started clone Rome Server, set it up following this guide and then run romebuild -u
to build, package and store all the dependencies in Rome Server, the next time you run romebuild -b
all dependencies will be fetched from Rome Server reducing build time to just a couple of seconds.
Environment variables ROME_ENDPOINT
(Ex: http://localhost:3000/) & ROME_KEY
(Client API Key) need to be set in order for RomeBuild to connect to Rome Server.
brew install 146BC/repo/romebuild
romebuild --build
Fetches dependencies from a Rome Server & builds the rest using carthage build
romebuild --build --platform ios,osx
Fetches dependencies from a Rome Server & builds the rest using carthage build --platform ios,osx
romebuild --upload
Builds dependencies that are not available on Rome Server using: carthage build dependency-name --no-skip-current and carthage archive dependency-name then uploads every dependency on Rome Server
romebuild --upload --self ProductName Revision
Builds the current project using carthage build --no-skip-current and carthage archive then uploads the generated archive on Rome Server
All commands use Cartfile.resolved as a reference, if the file is not present a new one will be generated.