Welcome to VLDofusBot, its goal is to help you automatize tedious tasks in the game. This is not a socket bot, it will sniff the network to read the game's packets and will simulate clicks on the game window. No message will be sent to the game server directly by the bot.
You can suggest new features or find help on discord : https://discord.gg/v45AA3dtYz
- Move multiple characters at once using zaaps if needed, see it as an improved autopilot.
- Explore all zaaps you're missing.
- Explore areas to look for archmonsters, quest monsters, or just to kill present monsters.
- Automatically update Metamob and display quest advancement.
- Treasure hunts (this one should be half checked as it works but is not finished. You can check this issue to learn how to use it).
- Smith magic (only 1 recipe for now, but everything's ready to implement more)
- Filter items available in equipments auction house
- Raise mounts
- Fight in arena
- Harvest jobs resources
- Return to bank when inventory full
- Dungeons + challenges
- Game's chat visible in the bot interface
- Fight Dopples
To get started, you'll first need to install the bot. For this, you'll need :
To install or work on this project, you'll need to clone and build this project. Open a cmd where you want to install the bot and type these commands :
git clone https://github.com/viclew1/VLDofusBot
cd VLDofusBot
gradlew build
Then, you can launch the built jar located in VLDofusBot\VLDofusBotApp\build\libs\VLDofusBotApp-xxx.jar
You now need to avoid having elements in the way of clicks the bot can make, that means leaving all cells of the game grid free of any UI element.
Another important thing is to disable display of every monster in a group.
When starting VLDofusBot, you'll be greeted by this window :
If one of the operations fail, you'll get an error message describing what went wrong. Most likely cases are :
- The game has been updated and the sniffer is not up-to-date
- You don't have npcap installed (refer to Requirements)
- You don't have the game installed, or it is installed in a custom location (not C:/users/your_profile/AppData/Local/Ankama/Dofus), the fix would be to install it in the default location or to put this location in your path variable.
- One of the bot files (stored in C:/users/your_profile/.VLDofusBot) is badly formatted
Once every loading operation has succeeded, well done, the bot should be usable ! You'll arrive to the scripts tab. You can reach the other tabs with the buttons on the left.
On the left, there's a characters list. New characters are automatically added to it when you log them into the game. They can have four different activity states, you can notice them using the colored bar on the left on the character's card :
The page is, by default, in Global mode. Meaning you can run a script for multiple characters at once. Here I have two characters selected on which the selected script will run.
If you select a character (by clicking on its card), you'll enter Individual mode. In this mode, you can edit your character's AI and run scripts only for him.
On the right, you can edit the spells your character will use when fighting.
If you want to return in Global mode, click on the Global scripts tab.
If you move to the Settings tab, you'll be able to configure your bot. You can activate on not the sound alerts when meeting an archmonster or a quest monster, enable overlays (feature in progress), set your metamob helper settings.
You'll first need to set your metamob profile configuration which will be needed to use Metamob Helper and to automatically update your account with the monsters you buy, capture or trade. To disable these features, uncheck them under the Metamob configuration in the settings tab.
Start by fully synchronizing your game account with your metamob's account by putting every soulstone you own in a character's haven bag chest, then running the script Update Metamob on this character.
Every time you update your monsters, the archmonster you don't own will have their statuses changed to searched and the ones you have multiple times will be changed to offered.
You can dynamically view your metamob monsters in this tab. You can filter the list and check what you've caught, what you're missing, etc. It will be automatically updated every time a monster event is received (capture, trade, purchase) but you can also manually refresh it if needed.
The soul's price will also be displayed for every archmonster (and updated every time you open the auction house archmonsters soul stone offers).
If you click on the arrow on the right of the metamob helper, the trade helper will open. Here, you can simulate a trade to easily calculate what trade you want to offer (or to check if you're getting scammed). You can even copy a trade offer by clicking on the copy button at the bottom (the message is only with the monsters in French at the moment and, for my example bellow, will be "Bambouské le Camouflé 190k, Maître Amboat le Moqueur 305k VS Minsinistre l'Elu 97k, Minoskour le Sauveur 305k").
You can see here which maps you went through in the last 2 hours. The bluer the cell, the more recently the map has been explored. If it's red, it means it's been explored at least 2 hours ago (or never).
When you click on an area, you'll select it and be able to send characters to explore it using the tool on the right. You'll also see which monsters you've already captured or not.
If you click on the button on the top left of the screen, you will display some hidden areas.