Not Its Real Name Interactive Application
Thanks to:
- The Cherno for Hazel Engine
- Kenney for the assets
- LovelySanta for some improvements to the assets
Not sure what this "game" is about yet, there isn't enough done to even call it a "game" yet. So what am I planning to do?
- Tile based map, generated from noise
- Basic "background" (water/grass/dirt)
- Trees and shrubs
- "Infinite" size world, chunks loaded/unloaded on separate thread
- Player character that you can move around the world
- Navmesh
- Limit player movement to walkable areas
- Properly account for size of player
- Route finding
- Mobs and associated friendly/enemy behaviour
- Items and pickups
- Health and other systems
- UI layer
- Some idea for what game is actually about!