Calculates Dominant color or representative Color palette from an JavaFX Image
This is JavaFX
port of an AWT version that is a very fast
Java port of Lokesh Dhakar's JavaScript version
This port exist for one reason: use only JavaFX Image
implementation for calculations without touching
AWT's BufferedImage
. It will be helpfull in cases where AWT
may not be available
(for example, in GraalVM Native Image
mode on Windows) or if you want to use only native JavaFX
- Lokesh Dhakar's JavaScript version: 29.84 ms
- AWT version: 0.712 ms
- This version: 0.717 ms + less RAM consumption on
JavaFX Image
>AWT BufferedImage
conversions viaSwing
- Lokesh Dhakar - for the original Color Thief JavaScript version
- SvenWoltmann - for AWT version