This is a simple program that I use with my APRS iGate using APRS telemetry to send the status of the node.
The metrics sent by the iGate are:
- Load average
- CPU Temperature
- Free Memory
- Network Tx packets
- Network Rx packets
Before installing igate_telem edit the file igate/ and set the
variable CALL_SIGN
with your own call sign, then remove the
following line.
Once your call sign has been set run the following command to install the program.
sudo python install
pi@igate:~ $ igate_telem --help
usage: igate_telem [-h] [-c CALLSIGN] (-d | -e | -p | -u)
APRS RaspberryPi temperature
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CALLSIGN, --callsign CALLSIGN
iGate full callsign [default: W6BSD-5
-d, --data Send the APRS data
-e, --eqns Send the APRS equation
-p, --param Send the APRS param
-u, --unit Send the APRS units
CBEACON delay=0:45 every=60:00 SENDTO=IG info="> Telemetry"
CBEACON delay=0:10 every=5:00 SENDTO=IG infocmd="/usr/local/bin/igate_telem --param"
CBEACON delay=0:12 every=5:00 SENDTO=IG infocmd="/usr/local/bin/igate_telem --unit"
CBEACON delay=0:14 every=5:00 SENDTO=IG infocmd="/usr/local/bin/igate_telem --eqns"
CBEACON delay=0:15 every=5:00 SENDTO=IG infocmd="/usr/local/bin/igate_telem --data"
You can find more information on how to use and configure this program on my blog post