A fast and portable C++17 library for Oblivious Transfer extension (OTe). The primary design goal of this library to obtain high performance while being easy to use. This library currently implements:
- The semi-honest 1-out-of-2 OT [IKNP03].
- The semi-honest 1-out-of-2 Silent OT [BCGIKRS19].
- The semi-honest 1-out-of-2 Delta-OT [IKNP03],[BLNNOOSS15].
- The semi-honest 1-out-of-N OT [KKRT16].
- The malicious secure 1-out-of-2 OT [KOS15].
- The malicious secure 1-out-of-2 Delta-OT [KOS15],[BLNNOOSS15].
- The malicious secure 1-out-of-N OT [OOS16].
- The malicious secure approximate K-out-of-N OT [RR16].
- The malicious secure 1-out-of-2 base OT [NP01].
- The malicious secure 1-out-of-2 base OT [CO15] (Faster Linux ASM version disabled by default).
- The malicious secure 1-out-of-2 base OT [MR19]
- Several malicious secure batched 1-out-of-2 base OTs from [MRR21]
This library provides several different classes of OT protocols. First is the base OT protocol of [NP01, CO15, MR19]. These protocol bootstraps all the other OT extension protocols. Within the OT extension protocols, we have 1-out-of-2, 1-out-of-N and K-out-of-N, both in the semi-honest and malicious settings.
All implementations are highly optimized using fast SSE instructions and vectorization to obtain optimal performance both in the single and multi-threaded setting. See the Performance section for a comparison between protocols and to other libraries.
Networking can be performed using both the sockets provided by the library and external socket classes. See the networking tutorial for an example.
A minimal working example showing how to perform n
OTs using the IKNP protocol.
void minimal()
// Setup networking. See cryptoTools\frontend_cryptoTools\Tutorials\Network.cpp
IOService ios;
Channel senderChl = Session(ios, "localhost:1212", SessionMode::Server).addChannel();
Channel recverChl = Session(ios, "localhost:1212", SessionMode::Client).addChannel();
// The number of OTs.
int n = 100;
// The code to be run by the OT receiver.
auto recverThread = std::thread([&]() {
PRNG prng(sysRandomSeed());
IknpOtExtReceiver recver;
// Choose which messages should be received.
BitVector choices(n);
choices[0] = 1;
// Receive the messages
std::vector<block> messages(n);
recver.receiveChosen(choices, messages, prng, recverChl);
// messages[i] = sendMessages[i][choices[i]];
PRNG prng(sysRandomSeed());
IknpOtExtSender sender;
// Choose which messages should be sent.
std::vector<std::array<block, 2>> sendMessages(n);
sendMessages[0] = { toBlock(54), toBlock(33) };
// Send the messages.
sender.sendChosen(sendMessages, prng, senderChl);
The library is cross platform and has been tested on Windows, Mac and Linux.
There is one mandatory dependency on Boost 1.75 (networking),
and three optional dependencies on libsodium,
Relic, or
SimplestOT (Unix only)
for Base OTs.
The Moeller POPF Base OTs additionally require the noclamp
option for Montgomery curves, which is currently only in a fork of libsodium.
CMake 3.15+ is required and the build script assumes python 3.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/osu-crypto/libOTe.git
cd libOTe
python build.py --setup --boost --relic
python build.py -- -D ENABLE_RELIC=ON -D ENABLE_ALL_OT=ON
It is possible to build only the protocol(s) that are desired via cmake command. In addition, if boost and/or relic are already installed, then boost
or relic
can be ommitted from python build.py setup boost relic
See the output of python build.py
or cmake .
for available compile options. For example,
python build.py -- -D ENABLE_IKNP=ON
will only build the [iknp04] protocol. Argument after the --
are forwarded to cmake.
The main executable with examples is frontend
and is located in the build directory, eg out/build/linux/frontend/frontend.exe, out/build/x64-Release/frontend/Release/frontend.exe
depending on the OS.
Enabling/Disabling Relic (for base OTs):
- The library can be built without Relic as
python build.py --setup --boost
python build.py -- -D ENABLE_IKNP=ON -D ENABLE_RELIC=OFF
Enabling/Disabling libsodium (for base OTs):
- libsodium can similarly be disabled by not passing
. In the other direction, when enabling libsodium, if libsodium is installed in a prefix rather than globally, tell cmake where to look for it with
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/folder_containing_libsodium.pc cmake . -DENABLE_SODIUM=ON
Disabling one/both of these libraries will disable many/all of the supported base OT protocols.
In addition, you will need to manually enable the specific protocols you desire, eg -DENABLE_IKNP=ON
as above.
libOTe can be installed and linked the same way as other cmake projects. By default the dependancies are not installed. To install then, run the following
python build.py --setup --boost --relic --install
You can also provide an install location by specifying --install=path/to/installation
. Otherwise the system default is used.
The main library is similarly installed as
python build.py --install
By default, sudo is not used. If installation requires sudo access, then add --sudo
to the build.py
script arguments. See python build.py --help
for full details.
libOTe can be linked via cmake as
find_package(libOTe REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(myProject oc::libOTe)
Other exposed targets are oc::cryptoTools, oc::tests_cryptoTools, oc::libOTe_Tests
. In addition, cmake variables libOTe_LIB, libOTe_INC, ENABLE_XXX
will be defined, where XXX
is one of the libOTe options.
To ensure that cmake can find libOTe, you can either install libOTe or build it locally and include libOTe in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
variable or provide its location as a cmake HINTS
, i.e. find_package(libOTe HINTS path/to/libOTe)
Contact Peter Rindal peterrindal@gmail.com for any assistance on building or running the library.
Spread the word!
author = {Peter Rindal},
title = {{libOTe: an efficient, portable, and easy to use Oblivious Transfer Library}},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/osu-crypto/libOTe}},
This project has been placed in the public domain and/or MIT license. As such, you are unrestricted in how you use it, commercial or otherwise. However, no warranty of fitness is provided. If you found this project helpful, feel free to spread the word and cite us.
The running time in seconds for computing n=224 OTs on a single Intel
Xeon server (2 36-cores Intel Xeon CPU E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz and 256GB of RAM
as of 11/16/2016. All timings shown reflect a "single" thread per party, with the
expection that network IO in libOTe is performed in the background by a separate thread.
Type | Security | Protocol | libOTe (SHA1/AES) | Encrypto Group (SHA256) | Apricot (AES-hash) | OOS16 (blake2) | emp-toolkit (AES-hash) |
1-out-of-N (N=276) | malicious | OOS16 | 10.6 / 9.2 | ~ | ~ | 24** | ~ |
1-out-of-N (N=2128) | passive | KKRT16 | 9.2 / 6.7 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |
1-out-of-2 Delta-OT | malicious | KOS15 | 1.9* | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |
1-out-of-2 Delta-OT | passive | KOS15 | 1.7* | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |
1-out-of-2 | malicious | ALSZ15 | ~ | 17.3 | ~ | ~ | 10 |
1-out-of-2 | malicious | KOS15 | 3.9 / 0.7 | ~ | 1.1 | ~ | 2.9 |
1-out-of-2 | passive | IKNP03 | 3.7 / 0.6 | 11.3 | 0.6 | ~ | 2.7 |
1-out-of-2 Base | malicious | CO15 | 1,592/~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |
1-out-of-2 Base | malicious | NP00 | 12,876/~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |
[IKNP03] - Yuval Ishai and Joe Kilian and Kobbi Nissim and Erez Petrank, Extending Oblivious Transfers Efficiently.
[KOS15] - Marcel Keller and Emmanuela Orsini and Peter Scholl, Actively Secure OT Extension with Optimal Overhead. eprint/2015/546
[OOS16] - Michele Orrù and Emmanuela Orsini and Peter Scholl, Actively Secure 1-out-of-N OT Extension with Application to Private Set Intersection. eprint/2016/933
[KKRT16] - Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ranjit Kumaresan and Mike Rosulek and Ni Trieu, Efficient Batched Oblivious PRF with Applications to Private Set Intersection. eprint/2016/799
[RR16] - Peter Rindal and Mike Rosulek, Improved Private Set Intersection against Malicious Adversaries. eprint/2016/746
[BLNNOOSS15] - Sai Sheshank Burra and Enrique Larraia and Jesper Buus Nielsen and Peter Sebastian Nordholt and Claudio Orlandi and Emmanuela Orsini and Peter Scholl and Nigel P. Smart, High Performance Multi-Party Computation for Binary Circuits Based on Oblivious Transfer. eprint/2015/472
[ALSZ15] - Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell and Thomas Schneider and Michael Zohner, More Efficient Oblivious Transfer Extensions with Security for Malicious Adversaries. eprint/2015/061
[NP01] - Moni Naor, Benny Pinkas, Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols.