To create a movie discovery web application that allows users to search for movies/ tv-shows, view details about them, watch movie trailer and save their favourite movies while consuming data from the TMDB API.
- Create a responsive and visually appealing user interface for the application.
- A list of the top 10 movies displayed on the homepage
- They should be displayed in a grid layout with their movie posters.
- The Card component should display the movie title and release date.
- card -
data-testid= "movie-card"
- movie poster -
data-testid= "movie-poster"
- movie title -
data-testid= "movie-title"
- movie release date -
data-testid= "movie-release-date"
- card -
- Implement a search feature that allows users to search for movies by title.
- Display search results, including movie posters, titles, and release dates.
- Show a loading indicator while fetching search results.
Users should see the movie details page when a user goes to the /movies/:id
route (where :id
is the imdb_id).
they should see the following:
- title -
data-testid= "movie-title"
- release date (in UTC) -
data-testid= "movie-release-date"
- runtime (in minutes) -
data-testid= "movie-runtime"
- overview -
data-testid= "movie-overview"
Users should be able to watch video trailer of the selected movie/ tv show
Consume the TMDB API to fetch movie data.
- Use the following API endpoints:
Fetch movie details by ID{movie_id}
Client: React, React-router, React-Player