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DoctorDiablo committed Feb 13, 2024
1 parent d31cb13 commit 0528a89
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Showing 6 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions.
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions Update/busstop01.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 53, "ps3/s26/53/tmio_0150", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#5ec69a>魅音</color> ", "「来週の水曜日学校をさぼらない?」",
"<color=#5ec69a>Mion</color> ", "'Want to skip school next wednesday?'", Line_Continue);
"<color=#5ec69a>Mion</color> ", "'Want to skip school next Wednesday?'", Line_Continue);
OutputLine(NULL, "なんて言われた日にゃもー、休むしか!",
NULL, " Well, when that day came, I just had to skip!", Line_Continue);
OutputLine(NULL, "ってカンジでー!」",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 53, "ps3/s26/53/tmio_0380", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#5ec69a>魅音</color> ", "「お、温泉行ったら背中の流しっこしましょーねーッ!んで出たら浴衣で卓球ー!」",
"<color=#5ec69a>Mion</color> ", "\"W-When we go to the hot springs, we can wash each other's backs! Then when we're done we can play ping pong in yukata!\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#5ec69a>Mion</color> ", "\"W-When we go to the hot springs, we can wash each other's backs! Then when we're done, we can play ping pong in yukata!\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand All @@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 53, "ps3/s26/53/tmio_0390", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#5ec69a>魅音</color> ", "「その後は窓から河原の花火大会を眺めてー!いい雰囲気に盛り上がって来た所でふと絡みつく私の指ー!梨花さんは恥じらいつつも身を委ねーッ…!」",
"<color=#5ec69a>Mion</color> ", "\"Then afterward, we'll gaze at the fireworks show by the river through our window! Then once we've gotten into a nice mood, our fingers will suddenly entwine! And while it embarasses you, you'll lean into me...!\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#5ec69a>Mion</color> ", "\"Then afterward, we'll gaze at the fireworks show by the river through our window! Then once we've gotten into a nice mood, our fingers will suddenly entwine! And while it embarrasses you, you'll lean into me...!\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 56, "ps3/s26/56/tton_0270", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#ccaa95>利根川</color> ", "「休み明けから体調が悪くてね。…急に苦しくなるらしいんだよ。」",
"<color=#ccaa95>Tonegawa</color> ", "\"He's been feeling poorly since the weekend ended. ...Apparently he keeps feeling pain all of a sudden.\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#ccaa95>Tonegawa</color> ", "\"He's been feeling poorly since the weekend ended. ...Apparently, he keeps feeling pain all of a sudden.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2766,7 +2766,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 56, "ps3/s26/56/tton_0400", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#ccaa95>利根川</color> ", "「……去年の暮れの……近藤さんの事かい…?」",
"<color=#ccaa95>Tonegawa</color> ", "\"......Are you refering to Kondou-san...... at the end of last year...?\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#ccaa95>Tonegawa</color> ", "\"......Are you referring to Kondou-san...... at the end of last year...?\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand All @@ -2793,7 +2793,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 54, "ps3/s26/54/tyos_0330", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#715348>吉村</color> ", "「…男の名は近藤 義幸。…建設省河川局開発課の職員です。」",
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"...The man's name was Kondou Yoshiyuki. ...He was a member of the Ministry of Contrustion's River Bureau, Development Division.\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"...The man's name was Kondou Yoshiyuki. ...He was a member of the Ministry of Construction's River Bureau, Development Division.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 54, "ps3/s26/54/tyos_0390", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#715348>吉村</color> ", "「その噂は事件の前から囁かれていましたが、少なくとも事件が起きるまではただのお伽話に過ぎませんでした。」",
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"The rumors were whispered well before that incident, but at the very least, they were treated as just fairy tales up until it occured.\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"The rumors were whispered well before that incident, but at the very least, they were treated as just fairy tales up until it occurred.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3002,7 +3002,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 52, "ps3/s26/52/trik_0720", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#6972c1>梨花</color> ", "「…昔々、…貧しい老夫婦と3人の息子たちが住んでたわ。」",
"<color=#6972c1>Rika</color> ", "\"...Long, long ago... there lived a poor eldery couple with three sons.\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#6972c1>Rika</color> ", "\"...Long, long ago... there lived a poor elderly couple with three sons.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3856,7 +3856,7 @@ void main()

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 54, "ps3/s26/54/tyos_0620", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#715348>吉村</color> ", "「…さすがに、森さんの時は4人目でしたからね。「特殊」な事情について事前に警察の上層部と話がついていたようで、現場検証等も全て秘密で行われました。」",
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"...Because by then, Mori-san was the fourth. Apparently the upper management and the police had already come to an agreement beforehand regarding 'special circumstances', so everything, even inspection of the scene, was carried out in secret.\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"...Because by then, Mori-san was the fourth. Apparently, the upper management and the police had already come to an agreement beforehand regarding 'special circumstances', so everything, even inspection of the scene, was carried out in secret.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 54, "ps3/s26/54/tyos_0630", 128, TRUE);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7122,7 +7122,7 @@ void main()
ModDrawCharacter(1, 54, "sprite/hyos1a_13_", "0", 0, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 200, TRUE );
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 54, "ps3/s26/54/tyos_1970", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine("<color=#715348>吉村</color> ", "「…あなたには、…雛見沢の人間には…容赦しませんよ。」",
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"...But you... a villager of Hinamizawa... you will recieve no mercy.\"", Line_Normal);
"<color=#715348>Yoshimura</color> ", "\"...But you... a villager of Hinamizawa... you will receive no mercy.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { ClearMessage(); }

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Update/outbreak01_1.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ void main()
OutputLine(NULL, " 我が身に危険が及ばない無責任な視聴者にとって、",
NULL, "The people out of this danger's reach were being irresponsible", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLine(NULL, "謎の危険なウィルスがどんな害をもたらすのか映像を見たいというのは、率直な野次馬感情だろう。",
NULL, " in sastisfying their urge to spectate, watching this footage of the harm dealt by this mysterious, heretofore unknown virus.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
NULL, " in satisfying their urge to spectate, watching this footage of the harm dealt by this mysterious, heretofore unknown virus.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ void main()
NULL, " So we couldn't keep using a flush toilet without water forever. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, "それに問題のウィルスの潜伏期間が一ヶ月以上もあることを考えれば、雛見沢の隔離がそれ以上に続くだろうことは容易に想像がつく。",
NULL, "To make matters worse, since the virus involved here has a one month incubation period, it wasn't hard to imagine the quarantine around Hinamizawa would last even longer than that.", Line_Normal);
NULL, "To make matters worse, since the virus involved here has a one-month incubation period, it wasn't hard to imagine the quarantine around Hinamizawa would last even longer than that.", Line_Normal);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2811,7 +2811,7 @@ void main()
OutputLine(NULL, " 丙種の存在を世界で最初に発見したのは、ナチス政権化のドイツ人医師で、",
NULL, "The first to uncover the existence of this virus was a German doctor within the Nazi administration,", Line_Continue);
OutputLine(NULL, "この発見を元に特定の人種への虐殺が主導されたと言われています。",
NULL, " and it is theorized that this discovery lead to the administration's massacre of particular peoples.", Line_Normal);
NULL, " and it is theorized that this discovery led to the administration's massacre of particular peoples.", Line_Normal);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5448,7 +5448,7 @@ void main()
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 3, "ps3/s24/03/nmio_0660", 128, TRUE);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "<size=-2>", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "「町会役員たちが音頭を取って、神社部と青年部、防犯部がさらに村の有志も加えて100人以上に膨れ上がってるらしい!! 防犯部には猟友会も合流してて少なくとも20丁以上のショットガン、ライフルで武装してる!」",
NULL, "\"The council's officials took the lead and after they added the Shrine group, the youth group, the neighbourhood watch, and other volunteers from the village, their numbers swelled past a hundred people!! The watch is close with the hunting club too, so they're armed with at least 20 shotguns and rifles!\"", Line_Normal);
NULL, "\"The council's officials took the lead and after they added the Shrine group, the youth group, the neighborhood watch, and other volunteers from the village, their numbers swelled past a hundred people!! The watch is close with the hunting club too, so they're armed with at least 20 shotguns and rifles!\"", Line_Normal);

//;ld r,mio_9b,80
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5983,7 +5983,7 @@ void main()
OutputLine(NULL, "そして二人は制服も着ていなかったが、",
NULL, " They weren't wearing their uniforms either.", Line_Continue);
OutputLine(NULL, "……いや、制服は充分かもしれない。",
NULL, " ..No, what they wore was enough of a uniform. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
NULL, " ...No, what they wore was enough of a uniform. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));

DrawScene( "white", 200 );
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions Update/outbreak02_1.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ void main()
OutputLine(NULL, " 少女は、その梯子はここに置いていっていいと仕草で伝えると、",
NULL, "The young girl gestured to say it was okay to leave the ladder here,", Line_Continue);
OutputLine(NULL, "ひさしから、2階の窓の中に入る。",
NULL, " before passing through the second floor window via the eaves.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
NULL, " before passing through the second-floor window via the eaves.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ void main()

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " ここで息を潜めていれば、安全だったろうに。",
NULL, "If she stayed quiet she would be safe here.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
NULL, "If she stayed quiet, she would be safe here.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6889,7 +6889,7 @@ void main()

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " いつの間にか対岸の歩道の向こうに、3人ほどの自警団の姿があった。",
NULL, "But at some point three men from the watch had taken up posts on the opposite shore.", Line_Normal);
NULL, "But at some point, three men from the watch had taken up posts on the opposite shore.", Line_Normal);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7054,7 +7054,7 @@ void main()
DrawScene( "background/kamik_mati_301y", 400 );
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " 自警団の男たちは、魅音の潜むトラックの荷台によじ登っていく。",
NULL, "The men from the watch climbed up into the bed of the truck Mion had hid under.", Line_Normal);
NULL, "The men from the watch climbed up into the bed of the truck Mion had hidden under.", Line_Normal);

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -8906,7 +8906,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("<color=#5ec69a>詩音</color>", NULL, "<color=#5ec69a>Shion</color>", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 6, "ps3/s25/06/nshi_0070", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「船頭多くして何とやら。リーダーシップを巡ってのトラブルから、殺し合いの騒ぎに発展したそうで。……恐ろしいことです。」",
NULL, "\"You know what they say about too many cooks. What started as just fighting over leadership lead to murder. .....It's terrifying.\"", Line_Normal);
NULL, "\"You know what they say about too many cooks. What started as just fighting over leadership lead to murder. ......It's terrifying.\"", Line_Normal);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10585,7 +10585,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("<color=#8676cf>羽入</color>", NULL, "<color=#8676cf>Hanyuu</color>", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 12, "ps3/s25/12/nhan_0690", 128, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「それを言ったら、こちらこそっ。そなたの嫌がらせの数々、僕であっても千年の怒りが収まらないのですっ。」",
NULL, "\"I could say the same to you! I haven't lost any of my anger either, for all of your harrassment!\"", Line_Normal);
NULL, "\"I could say the same to you! I haven't lost any of my anger either, for all of your harassment!\"", Line_Normal);

Expand All @@ -10594,7 +10594,7 @@ void main()
OutputLine(NULL, " 二人にどんな因縁があるのかはわからないが、",
NULL, "I didn't know what kind of history those two shared,", Line_Continue);
OutputLine(NULL, "千年経っても恨みが忘れられないとは、……対立の根は深い様子だ。",
NULL, " but if they held onto their grudges for a millenium...... then the cause of their antagonism ran deep.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
NULL, " but if they held onto their grudges for a millennium...... then the cause of their antagonism ran deep.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11333,7 +11333,7 @@ void main()

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " 電撃は、怪力だろうと非力だろうと食らえば堪えられるものではない。",
NULL, "No matter how strong you are, no body can withstand electric jolts.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
NULL, "No matter how strong you are, nobody can withstand electric jolts.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode) == 0) { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -14398,7 +14398,7 @@ void main()
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 51, "ps3/s25/51/ntam_0300", 128, TRUE);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "<size=-2>", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "「吾輩の民もほとんどは討ち取られ……、あやつがどこにいるのかもわからぬ……。鹿骨に閉じ込められている内に討ち取ることが出来れば……。この不浄シュークリームのせいで!」",
NULL, "\"Nearly all of my people have been taken captive..... I have no idea where she is at present...... If only I could've taken her down while she was trapped in Shishibone...... But thanks to this tainted cream puff!\"", Line_Normal);
NULL, "\"Nearly all of my people have been taken captive...... I have no idea where she is at present...... If only I could've taken her down while she was trapped in Shishibone...... But thanks to this tainted cream puff!\"", Line_Normal);

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Update/staffroom11.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void main()

if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("<color=#f5e6d3>竜騎士07</color>", NULL, "<color=#f5e6d3>Ryukishi07</color>", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, "「…いや~…、よく同人誌のあとがきなんかにありますけど、これをタイプしてる今現在、ぜ~んぜん、終わってないんですよね☆",
NULL, "\"...Man~ ...You often see afterwords in doujinshi, but we're not done at a~ll while I'm tryping this out☆", Line_WaitForInput);
NULL, "\"...Man~ ...You often see afterwords in doujinshi, but we're not done at a~ll while I'm typing this out☆", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLine(NULL, " 作業。」",
NULL, " There's still work left.\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
Expand Down

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