Reatime screen sharing web application..
Client: HTML,CSS, Javascript,Bootsrap
Server: Node.js, Express.js , MongoDB, WebRTC, PeerJS library,
- Home page
- Login/Signup
- Authentication using JWT
- Mongoose - connecting the database
- Server side -->> Node.js and Express
- MongoDB
- Screen Sharing
- Chatting
- Video calling
- First Create room
- User can share the screen
- Than user can join the room using room ID
- Enter room ID to join
- Click on stop share option
- First Create room
- User can join the call by using the room ID
- To end the call click on hang on button
- Enter the user name
- User can chat with online users
- For online users it will show green tick
peer = new Peer(room_id);
peer.on('open', (id) => {
console.log("Peer has joined ID no", id);
// media options...
getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true },
(stream) => {
local_stream = stream;
}, (err) => {
notify("Waiting for the member to join.")
create user -> post: localhost:8080/user/register
sample data :
"name": "User",
"email": "",
"password": "User"
login user -> post : localhost:8080/user/login
get new token -> get : localhost:8080/newtoken
logout user -> get : localhost:8080/logout
get all user -> get : localhost:8080/user
get one user -> get : localhost:8080/user/id
while making get request from fontend we need to send access_key(presented in .env)
github Oauth
1. Route login,dashboard
2. impelement auth
3. sessions
4. protected
5. logout
To install the WorkDesk, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
- Install the dependencies:
cd melted-group
npm install
Start the server:
npm run server
You are good to go