Created by Enes
First edit the "q" parameter to the City of your choice which shall be weather tracked.
PARAMS = {"q": "YOUR_CITY", "units": "imperial", "APPID": API_KEY}
Lastly you will need to input your Openweather API Key
. This is free.
API = ""
API_KEY = ""
That's needed in order to acces the Openweather API, we will retrieve our weather data through it.
You will be running the script locally so I won't be able to store your API key.
Optionally you can edit the interval in which the weather is tracked. Currently it's at 600 seconds -> 10 minutes.
def main():
while True:
except Exception as exc:
Whilst the Arduino Port is equal to None - meaning not connected through USB - it will keep checking the USB Ports of our devices (Raspberry Pi, Laptop, PC) for new plug-ins. If the Arduino has been plugged in to the device, it will automatically establish a connection using the Port
port = getPort()
if port==None:
print("[-] Failed to find the Arduino Port.\nRetrying in 5 seconds..")
arduino = serial.Serial(port, 9600, timeout=1)
print(f"[+] Successfully connected with Port {port}")
print("[-] Failed to find an connected Arduino.\nRetrying in 5 seconds..")
Our USB Ports are found using the "list_ports"
method of the serial library.
ports =
for p in ports:
if "Arduino" in p[1]:
port = p[0]
print("[+] Found Arduino Port:", port)
return port
Next, we send a request to the weather API. This will respond with data such as if the weather is cloudy, rainy, clear and so on.
Fahrenheit is also returned, allthough I have converted it to celcius in the Python program.
def trackWeather():
resp = requests.get(API, params=PARAMS)
weather = resp.json()['weather'][0]['main'] # This is the weather status
fahrenheit = round(resp.json()['main']['temp'])
celcius = round((fahrenheit - 32) * .5556) # Converting the Fahrenheit to Celcius
This is where the fun part begins: Sending the colors, animations, the brightness ect. accordingly to the weather to our Arduino.
Feel free to play around with the values initialized at the very beginning.
elif weather == "Clear":
sendData("B=" + br_Clear)
sendData("D=" + dur_Clear)
sendData("C=" + clearColor)
sendData("A=" + ani_Clear)
Finally, we have two functions so the Arduino knows what's going on. The sendData() function & the awaitResponse() function:
def awaitResponse(s):
while (s.in_waiting > 0): # The number of bytes in our input buffer
print(s.readline().decode(), end="") # The Arduino side output
def sendData(s):
arduino.flush() # Waits for the transmission of outgoing serial data to complete
s = s+'\n' # We need a \n (new line) for any data we send, Arduino logic
arduino.write(s.encode()) # Writes over our encoded data (B, D, C, A, P) in bytes
awaitResponse(arduino) # Awaits the respsonse of our Arduino