- Eventual Consistency: Make data reach destination
- Order Problem: Make data reach in same order as it is
- update
; then, updateitem(id1)
;update t set name='a' where id = 1; update t set name='b' where id = 1;
- insert
; deleteitem(id1)
;insert into t values (1); delete from t where id = 1;
- update
- Master slave replication protocol: If network has problem, MySQL master will re-send lost packet
: Consumer module adoptswrite ahead log
, write what receive then try to process & send- Checkpoint: Consumer module remember where we leave, will not miss data if syncer shutdown in accident
- Retry: If output channel fail to send to output target, retry until success or write to failure log
- Failure Log: If retry exceed configured num, write item to failure log for human recheck
- Event Scheduler: to solve Order Problem between events which has unchanged primary key
integral primary key to make same row change always handled in order;hash
(default value): hash primary key of data row, thenmod
hash value to schedule;direct
:- No order promise
- If your data source has only insert operation, you can choose this scheduler, which is faster;
- for data source with insert/update/delete, higher output rate if you can endure some inconsistency;
If you are changing the id
of event but not call SyncData.setPartitionField(x)
, which
- may fail consistency promise because the order between events may not scheduled as it should be;
- may cause dup item because Syncer only make sure
exactly once semantic