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Alejandro Atance Fernandez edited this page Feb 25, 2019 · 22 revisions

The NBZ was launched to provide a framework to automate web browsers to scrap or test any web page, based on selenium webdriver. This provides the user a higher level layer and a simpler way to create web testing scripts. Also, browsermob-proxy is implemented as proxy into NBZ to capture http requests.

NBZ is configured with nbz scripts.

IMPORTANT: Whenever you want to test into your own browser how a web page behaves to code your script, you must do it into incognito mode. Each script session is executed as if it were incognito mode, a totally new instance of the browser, cache, cookies, local storage and session storage.

Launching the NBZ

- The launcher is the file - Options:
- <b>-h</b>:    Show this help
- <b>-v</b>:    Show the current version
- <b>-s</b>:    Set the .nbz script
- <b>-x</b>:    Enable screen emulation (server) / hide browser screen (desktop)
- <b>-d</b>:    Enable debug mode; it is disabled by default

<b>$></b> ./ -s /path/to/my_script.nbz
<b>$></b> ./ -xs /path/to/my_script.nbz (-x is necesary to run it on server without graphic interface, or hide the browser window if it has graphic interface)
  • Scripts must have .nbz extension.

Scripting on nbz

Scripting on nbz language is huge simple. It is a function based languaje. You can find the full documentation here.